Writing on writing

Saturday, August 21, 2004

The other one arrives...

Well hello-hello. I just looked at the blog and think it looks great. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bethany and the co-author of the novel that Susan was talking about rather vaguely just a moment ago. I am thrilled to have a writing blog up and running. My other blog is about my life. Writing is a large part of my life and has claimed a large portion of my normal blog. Now my writing rants, worries, procratinations, joys and sorrows have an actualy home on the internet.

Susie isn't sure if we should spill details of the novel... we'll have to discuss that I guess. Personally, I don't see much of an issue in that if we don't, all our blogs will be as confusing to read as the one below this one. In any case I think you'll have to learn at least a little about the main characters, if we aren't to delve into plot.

I'm just ending a writing break that was caused by two weeks of work experiece among other things. I'm eager to get back into this week.


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