Writing on writing

Sunday, November 28, 2004


I tried to post a while ago but blogger wouldn't cooperate. Blast them. I finished the things yay me. I'm over my five page quota thank you very much. From there on a played Backgammon, now I think I shall do my homework, such a novel concept isn't it? I have to have two things memorized for classes on tuesday, both of which are considerable. A sonnet and a scene sigh. I shoulddo the mathand the other stuff. But hey this is a writing blog Gah I shouldn't be telling you that. The writing was good, Laleena made a friend, her own age, and Fraser told Abbott all his problems, now we have to have a touching nenan fraser moment, then Balin then bye bye, then I don't know. I think that may stretch five pages but it's iffy. Don't want to push it. Beth and Iwill have to convene soon for bookage, maybe put a lunch hour or two aside for it what ever. Well homework and Chicago are calling. Hello to you to mr windy city.


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