Writing on writing

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It was dire...

The Dire Land of Perrinwold, a rather short piece by my standards actually, six pages, three thousand and something words, not much right? I can't imagine it is the piece that will make my career, and yet, it was VERY important that I finish it. Very important to me. I've not made any mention of it because it is the first story that has ever come to me, complete, in one flash. Just like that it was there. Done, all I needed to do was finish it.

It's a metaphore. It's a metaphore that only I may ever get entirely, but it is one none the less, and I'm rather fond of it. It uses many big words, but an old fashioned story tellers voice, because it is very much in the third person. I liked it... I want to do something with it. I think I need to. I'm going to get it on floppy (along with many of my poems) go to Beth's house, load them on her computer, and then email them to myself as an attachment. That's my plan, I'm sticking to it. I fear though that I may be telling too much and not showing, but for the Dire Land of Perrinwold, I think that that's ok. It just makes sense. I'm not sure if other people will like it, I got Lauren to read a bunch and she said she liked it, but sometimes I can't believe her, she loves me too much, and isn't as hard core a bitchy writer as myself. I need to know what improvments need making.

I wrote it based on something I felt about Raven. It was... After an argument that we had that I wrote the first part of it and then another part (but I had to cut and paste that somewhere else) I then continued it the next night and then didn't write for a rather long time (by my standards) now.. now I'm done it I finished tonight and it's done. I would like to congradulate myself a bit on this by the way because it is the first piece in my "currently working on or never finished" folder that was allowed to move... I want that folder emptied, or at least not so pathetic. I got to move it to the most exulted "short stories and prose" folder, let's hear some ooooo'ing and ahhhh'ing.

My mother seemed to have this unbelievably uncanny ability to annoy me today, and find the perfect time that would get me, i.e. when I was writing. It seemed even at 2am when normally we say nothing to one another, she managed to disturb me, yes by talking to me, I thought I was safe! GAH!

Well I guess I'm just going to have to sequester myself tomorrow.

Tomorrow's goal: Finish this god damned laleena bit!

... you know, and phone Raven, Bethany, and Robyn, and workout and stuff as well...


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