Writing on writing

Friday, February 18, 2005

5 journals in a day

I did all of my required writing class journals last night. I was determined that if I had to put the effort into thinking of five pages of things to say that they might as well serve me some purpose in the futer. Each page is an idea for the 3-day novel writing contest. Three of them I'd come up with before and was just writing down so I didn't forget, the other two I came up with right there.

One is a fantasy, and another is sci-fi. I dont' know necessarily how wise it is to write genre for the contest. The other three are literay. I rather like all five of the premises I came up with so it'll be tough to narrow it down. Why sci-fi you ask? Well though I don't usually like reading it, I've come to realize that I am competent and even somewhat enjoy writing it. All five are character driven 'cause I think I'm better at that and it requires less deep thought process which would become an issue towards the end.

I dont' know how much planning Susie put into hers, but if I go in with what I have on one of the ideas I'd be happy. I know who what where when why and I can put the rest together from there. Those facts can and probably will change as I write it, but having a starting ground will make me happy.

As to more pressing writing, I plan to finish my little Taryne chunk this weekend. Really, I need like a page more. Then I need my other peeps. So I'll do my page then wait. Susie's been busy so I don't mind.


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