Writing on writing

Saturday, September 02, 2006

8292 words

Things are going a bit better, I guess. I want at least another ten pages before I go to bed tonight, and considering it is only 6:30, I should be okay.

I'm getting to the end of the amount of plot I'd had predetermined. I'm soon going to have to start coming up with my own storyline. Hmm... wonder how that will go.

Hey, anyone know what's up with the Blogger Beta thing? I'm kinda confused. Maybe I'll try to find out. I'm on a legitimate break right now, because I just finished a very important scene, and I need to stew about what comes next. I have an idea for the next scene or two, but after that I really don't know what's happening.

My concept last year fascinated me: birth certificates with an expiry date. Living your entire life knowing exactly when you are going to die. It was fun to write, and I was able to throw in some romance. At first I had thought it was going to end tragically, but then I changed my mind and wrote in some Navajo nuns who made it all okay. It was a fun project. This one is kind of different. I also liek the premise of this one: what does it mean if you fall in love with your clone? Where the last one had an actual problem to resolve (the chick didn't want to die...) this one's premise doesn't have one. So I'm having to come up with the conflict as I go. It's getting there, but I wish I had a clearer idea of what it was.

I talked to Susan a couple hours ago. She's doing okay. At that point she was about ten pages behind me, but that last scene I wrote was a slow process, so she quite possibly may have caught up by now. Apparently she's had some rather drastic changes in her original plan.

My mom bought be an energy drink for tonight (but, alas, not more bugles). Let's hope it actually perks me up, unlike that one I had before that made me sleepy!


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