Writing on writing

Friday, July 14, 2006

While I wait for the world to catch up

So today was an edit day, and a rather productive one at that. We got through 19 pages, and let me tell you Mr. Bloggerman, that is quite the accomplishment. They were big pages... well okay, they were the normal size, but there was a relative amount to be done on them. And then we rearranged our salad. My that sounds odd. We had to move some scenes about which did really devastating [hold on while I close the door] things to our already questionable timeline. We moved parties and crazy things, and imprisonment scenes and all sorts of stuff.

Then, we went on a nice big walk in a rather dark neighbourhood and Talked Book. This was done with great zeal as we covered a lot to occur in both this book and ones to follow. Good stuff. Now if only I had the time to write the damned things. Oh well, at least I manage the edit sessions.

Suse still hasn't left, and is in fact reading this over my shoulder as I write it -- which is damn strange...

--- FYI she wrote another three pages or so since her last pathetic (read "flippant") entry on this blog.

So I'm outta here to see if the rest of the world has deemed the internet worthy.


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