Writing on writing

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Fire

I want the fire back Every time I hear that term used I think of that stupid Buffy musical.

OK so here's the deal, I have a lot of stuff to do, a lot of stuff that involves words. I'm going to do a list and Bethie's going to roll her eyes.

  1. F-ing book two, damned thing... Whatever, it'll happen. I have chapter two on the go and the writing I think is good... then again I haven't read it over for some time.
  2. A one act play draft for the beginning of January (but an idea struck last night so it's not nearly as daughnting.)
  3. Mini scholarships for the Millenium award, some I can use from the morhead, some i have to rewrite. As well some awards things like that essay the justice award, and a couple others - oh yeah the toyota one adn the cowboy one. So I have a few things to do, all in one bullet.
  4. I'm thinking of doing a poem for Robyn, but that'll take so much effort. Make her happy though. Her and I were joking about it, so I may yet do it ;) wouldn't that just fuck her up?
  5. Whatever completely random thing throws itself at my feet (must look into publishing Perrinwold)

So those are the things I need to do in the way of writing using my words or whatever you want to call it. I hope I can knock it all off sooner then later.


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