Writing on writing

Sunday, January 29, 2006

*does the maniacle finger thing*

you know... the motion that generally goes with a "muhaha" sound?

Of course, we all know what this means? When the first half is edited by us both? We have that little thing we called a "debreif" -- that thing that we said would amount to us reading the entire book aloud. In two parts of course.

We have to get the edits onto a computer screen and fight out all the disagreements.

It will take a looong time. It's good that you're done ahead of shedule. If you have a relatively free weekend (ie with limited homework) we can do our edit-paloozle. I'm thinking it will be an all night affair. I mean, 200+ pages out loud? With typing and battles?

AND we start to query agents. *GRIN*


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