Writing on writing

Friday, June 23, 2006

Woot There It Is!

A reasonable relaxed editing session managed to spring us forward into the DONE zone for book one part one's editing - which again, is done. Thank god. Now we move onto book one part two's editing and let me say, here's hoping it's smoother going. It'll be more familiar that's for certain as it seems we will be doing both the steps at relatively the same time. I'll be finishing up and then passing off what ever it is that I finish to the Thursday session. Again, here's hoping we're good to go.

A 'suprise down' in 'reward' for finishing our first half, was a half check from my co-hort's mother. "This is what half a book is worth" she said to us. It's for tw- dollars, what that tw- turns out to be is beyond us, but we are of the understanding that it is for shipping, copying etc fees. Again, here's hoping.

We are so close to shopping our book around that I can taste it! I just hope that all this time and effort is ultimately worth it, I believe in it and so does Beth, but let's face it people, it's still a scarey bussiness this publishing thing!

Just thought I'd pass on the good news, now I go forth to recover from late nate talking and such to other persuites of the mind (and possibly a nap).


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