Writing on writing

Friday, December 22, 2006

Edit-a-thon '06 Summary

Well now, that's done.

That's right folks, we actually finished it. All of book one has been edited. We found enough pages to double what was left in the edit-a-thon but still we prevailed. All in all we did, what was it... 80 or so pages in two and a half days. For most of that, that was both of our individual edits as well as the together computer edits. It was intimidating. It was intense. And now it is done.

We celebrated by watching an episode of the OC -- a show we've not really watched for oh so long, but thought made a perfect guilty pleasure reward for such hard work.

So let me say it again: book one has been completely edited. We are fairly confident that most of what is in there is decent writing that is more or less gramatically correct. Sure, most of the writing is fine... but. There's always a but, eh?

Now there's the re-writes. We're not entirely sure how this is going to work. We certainly don't know how long it is going to take. We have to re-do at least the first 50 pages. We have to read the damn thing. Sure, we've now read this thing many, many times between us, but neither of us have been able to sit down and read the thing start to end without changing a word, without squabbling over commas... we need to read it for story, we need to read it for flow. We talk about building tension, but how can we really judge it's tension when to read the whole thing through has always taken us many, many months? And been done with pen in hand/fingers at keyboard? We also are beginnning to make cautious remarks about getting other people to read it -- you know, people who aren't us, and don't necessarily have a mother's complex about it all.

And then there's the publishing process. At what point do we start sending out queries again?

However, none of this is being worried about until after Christmas. We have a few busy, non-writing-related days ahead of us that can now be guiltlessly enjoyed as we have completed a monumental step in the development of our baby. Sometime after the yuletide celebrations we shall reconvene and determine how to proceed from here.


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