Writing on writing

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Beth -- 10,018

Okay. I just hit 10,000. That's where I should have been when I went to bed last night.

However... I mean say I had stayed up late to finsih the word count. It's possible that then I could have done something like sleep in until noon or something right? Considering it's only 1:15 now... maybe I'm not so far behind schedule as it feels like I am. I mean Susan's only like 2500 words ahead of me. That's not that much really.

I woke up this morning feeling a bit better about life in general. I focussed hard and wrote out a bit of an outline that should take me through another really good chunk. By the time I get to where I finished outlining I'm going to be ready for a good break, maybe a walk or something. And then I can continue from there. I then put in a solid three hours of work in which I produced about 3400 words. That's not bad time. Right?

Oh, and my boyfriend is still amazing. I got a string of encouraging texts this morning including one that said he feels oddly personally invested in this. I found that amusing. I'm writing the novel, not him! And Audere said "grr." I said I'd try to incorporate that :)


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