Beth -- 11321
Hm. Well it looks like I've slowed down again. And I'm taking a break. I took a break after my last post too because I was crampy. Have I mentioned I'm writing this year through my period? So after my last post was an orgasm break. That helped. Then I wrote about 1300 words and am now breaking again. Because I'm hungry. Need food.
I'm not exactly despairing at this point, but I'm not thrilled. My mother doesn't help matters. She asks how far along I am, I tell her, and she says "You're never going to make it to 30,000 words!" Um. Way to be supportive?
Food should help. I'm going to need to do more outlining soon. I've only got a couple bits more to write before I have to figure out what happens next. Again, I know who did it and why, I just need to figure out how the good guys figure it out!
I'm not exactly despairing at this point, but I'm not thrilled. My mother doesn't help matters. She asks how far along I am, I tell her, and she says "You're never going to make it to 30,000 words!" Um. Way to be supportive?
Food should help. I'm going to need to do more outlining soon. I've only got a couple bits more to write before I have to figure out what happens next. Again, I know who did it and why, I just need to figure out how the good guys figure it out!
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