Writing on writing

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

MY post

That was so weird...

Okay folks, this is a self defeating post. I am here to tell you why Susie's plan of five pages a week is a fantastic idea. I could be writing, but instead I'm doing this. Contradicting exactly what I'm about to write to you. I appologise in advance. I appologize for mispelling appologize in that last sentence.

If we each do five pages a week, let us consider the math. That is ten pages a week total. That's a hundred pages every two and a half months. Considering our final manuscript will be about 400 pages give or take, that is ten months beginning to end. We're already more than 150 pages into it. But considering we'll have to do a total read-and-edit (like print out the sucker and read it beginning to end with a note book at hand to catch plot errors) and a copy edit (Spelling, grammar, general punctuation), we're probably looking at the full ten months. What is ten months? Less than a year? Oh yeah.

"But Bethie" says my mind, "That seems an awfully long time, is there no way to shorten it?" Why yes, mind, there is. Consider the following: (I sound like frickin' Bill Nye) We do five pages a week. Dammit, it will get done. I don't care how, it will. There will be weeks we do more. There will not be times we do less. There will be weeks that our creative wee minds will want to produce a whopping 23 pages or something else completly random and doubled digited. Do we count on these miraculous days? No, no we do not. But it is a possible way that those ten months turn into... less than ten months.

What does this mean? By this time next year at least, our book will be shopping for publishers. In theory, it is next September or earlier. If the muses are with us, and oh would it be glorious, we could be done by summer and spend our splendid summer days shipping us off to TOR and the likes. That is so soon. When we spent so so so so long on this, the longest I have ever spent on a single project, it means so much to have the end in sight. Not because I want it to be over, oh no, I've loved every minute. But because in this case, the end, our ultimate goal is but a beginning. If we get this published, that means good things to our future publishability. That means good things to our ultimate dream of newyork times best sellerage as well as being *professional* *authors*. Yes that is intentionally in stars. I had to do something to signify just how super duperly amazingly fantastic that w0uld be.

So 5 pages a week. Not outrageous. No sirree. It can and will be done.


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