Writing on writing

Sunday, November 21, 2004


here we go folks, ready or not. I wrote, laleena and Fraser have finally met up again, after so very long, it was nice not haveing to keep them from each other or make them feel bad about not being with each other, of course we will just be yanking them apart agian soon, sigh poor darlings. Dad keeps trying to get me to read this Steven King book on writing and how to write, etc. I really kind of don't want to. Not that I don't respect his oppinion on books but I'm finally getting back in my nich and don't want to change that when I start to change things something inside me shuts down and it's like another month before I write again, a vicious circle if ever there was one. I want to write at least once a week (this is a low goal but I may go up from here) it'll just be the beginning Iplan to expand but I'm happy where I am. Yes I love writing but I need a future and that's in my homework, I have lots of that to do but thanks to my pro-day I've had room to write. Yay me! now I mst continue on in my life of writing, ya hoo.

As to my other writing stuff lots of very dark and depressing stuff yay. Raven's haveing an effect on my writing, not a bad thing just an observation.

I've been reading laurell's blog more and more It's great lots of info but in little amounts at a time so that it's not overwhelming and thus an official "change" yay me! I hope one day I can be as succesful as her, it would be so cool! I really want that sort of thing in my future and I think if I continue on this path I might, and Beth as well, we just have to keep on trucking! Of course sometimes I wonder if one of us will just give up and blah it'll sit there, but maybe this is one of the things that binds us so tight deeling with rejection hardships etc as a pair and writing as a pair maybe that's part of the glue that joins us so very very tight.

To reiderate I've done three pages I did like a paragraph the pther day (about a week ago) and this part is getting longer and longer it's fantastic I love the feeling of a story growing and expanding under me shifting and becoming an entity, it'll just be lovely to one day see it as the organism, the creature, that it is meant to be. Sigh I can't wait and am terrified all in one. Lord help me but it is also so very terrifyingto think of finishing it. Ahhhhg. It's going to be pretty crazy finishing somthing that I started in grade eight and have been working on for almost my whole high school career. Wow wierd when you look at it that way!

Well cookies and bed and more writing call. So I must indeed go bye bye. See you all later. Bye bye!

P.S. I know what I'm getting mom for christmas, the new Brian Addams C.D. Finally I know Yay!


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