Writing on writing

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Names, characters, stuff

I sat down to write oh, 20 mins ago. I realized I hadn't yet named the young girl that Taryne was about to kill. I'd been referring to her as "___" because I hadn't the energy to go look up a name. I came to the conclusion that it was just plain wrong to kill a person, especially a child, before naming them. So I fixed that. These were my four favourites:

Fantine (childlike)
Ava (a bird)
Daya (bird)
Sabi (young girl)

Okee, for explanation of the bird thing, one of them has it mentioned twice that she wakes up with the birds and sings like a sparrow or something like that. I thought bird would work for her.

My favorite for the littel one is Daya. I just like it. It sounds cute. Like a kid. A tragic kid. From what I've already written of her (okay it wasn't much, and there won't be more... she's only in a chapter afterall so it doesn't really matter) it works.

I also like Sabi. It is a great name. I'll name my kid Sabi. K, maybe not. But is a wonderful name. I really really like it. A lot. Good name. So I saw this name, and something hit me. Darsby is getting sent to kill this kid, that mush I've established and will not change. However, I'm thinking Darsby goes all Snow White on us. He goes to kill the kid, but she is too cute, too innocent, and cannot go through with it. He cuts off a lock of her hair, as instructed, and delivers it back to Taryne. The kid gets away, but this isn't discovered until much much later. Like we'll deal with it in the sequel. Plan a) Sabi ends up with Fiannait and Balan 'cause Balan is her uncle and it is a charming family thing. b) She ends up working for the Mistress with the creepy cult thing and either directly or indirectly Deszo, Nyoka and Faron. Or even Deirdre.

Both those plot lines hit me in like a millisecond when I saw the name Sabi. Both of those plot lines work for the name Sabi. Anyhow, it doesn't need to be decided right away. If Susie adores one or the other then we'll foreshadow it, if not, then we won't find out 'till it either happens or doesn't. That reminds me of a Geography video I saw last week "rocks will either cleave into 3 sides or a number that isn't 3". No kidding. Either 3 or not three. Amazing.

Fantine and Ava I'll keep in my mind repetoire. But I don't like them as much. Fantine for one, is a character is Les Mis and I'd issues getting over that. And Ava kinda sounds like Aida which has already been used. I do like the name though.

I guess that's all I have to say about names and such. Seeing the time, I don't imagine I'll write today. Tommorrow I promise. Its a Friday and I've no afterschool crap to do. Ta-ta!


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