Writing on writing

Monday, June 13, 2005

The con rocked!

I am in an utterly horrible mood. See other blog for details. Here though I can talk about writing and that is the one part of my existence that right now is going well.

The con was amazing. I hope to do an in depth discussion of what I learned there later, but I want to make this quick so I can get to bed. First fo all, I have already recieved two e-mails (personalized no less, I was expecting form letters) from Ken Rand, one of the many authors at the con. He reccomended a small con in N. Washington that we may be able to go to in the future. It happens in October, is just north of Seattle, and is only $100 USD. It is just one weekend, only two days. The website is not ready yet for this year's, but Ken Rand went last year and said it was good.

Also worth considering is the Surrey Con -- we're so close it seems a sin not to go. Especially 'cause we can get a youth rate for $40 for the Friday. Even if that's all we do, the Friday, we should go.

The Norwes con is in Seattle, that site for this year is not ready yet, but it is in Washington somewhere nearish Seattle and cheapish.

The Graville Island thing is neat, not as small and intimate, but we sign up by the class so we could go to just one if we wanted.

Finally, I found somewhere for Susan and I to volunteer this summer: Book camp at the Vancouver public library. Local authors of Y/A come. It's not exactly a con, but it's volunteering which is always good, and writing related, which is nifty, and free.

So that's what I see for us in the way of events in writing in the near and far future. As far as goals and activities go, that's a whole other blog. And the con we were just at deserves its own as well. For now though, that's all.


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