Writing on writing

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I'm an idiot, but I fixed it

I'm sitting there this morning, edditing that which I printed up last night, and I keep finding myself thinking "Didn't we fix this part for the last contest entry?"... and "I could have sworn we'd re-worded that..."

Even though Susan asked me like twice if I was sure I had the "Spiffy new first chapter," I neglected to be completely sure. It wasn't until I reached "With out asking a plate of fruit, ..." that I knew I'd screwed up. It's okay though. It got me started, I have a method. I know what I'm doing now. I printed up the revised first part, and it's all good. I'm also going through the contest entries with the judges marks on it in tandem with my own edits.

It meant I did some superfluous editing, but ultimately, I don't mind. It's all good. I'm rather enjoying the experience actually. Don't know if I'll be saying that 200 pages from now, but at the moment, I'm rather enjoying it.

To Suse: Get started on book 2 whenever you like. Feel no obligation to get uber far into though -- by no means to I expect you to take it on for the entire time I'm editing. Write what you want and pass it on to me. I'll put the edit on hold and make some pages. I mean really, a week or so to spit out like 15 pages won't hurt the edit significantly. Take your time, and pass it over when you're ready. I'm excited about this book thing in general -- I'm in such an author mood lately!


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