Writing on writing

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mmm words...

Kinda like "Mmm cookies..." is what I'm thinking. I've been rather in the appreciation of literature lately, especially the kind that is written by my chraming writing partner and myself. Oh, and those great people who write quality fantasy. Yay Jim Butcher.

First there was the three-day novel contest. It forced juices to be rolling, was a great experience, and was the cause of over 30000 words in limited hours. It was kinda draining though, and didn't make one pounce on other projects. However, it did allow me to be past that roadblock, and left space for me to read chapter 21. I read it, liked it, and then did homework. Yeah, not the response I expected either. There was all this excitement when I knew that it was done, so I guess when I actually read that it was done, it was rather anticlimactic.

There there was the Dire World of Perrinwold. Suffice to say I was basically awed. I meantined that it reminded me of the feel of the Gordon Gross stories, it also reminded me of a story I read somewhere about an orange tree... and a family curse, and a little girl that died? Or something... I donno. I just remembered that. Anyway, this inspired me to return to the "romance novel" that was started in July. It had been left for so long that I couldn't write it, so I read like half of it so I could eventually start again where I left off. At over 38000 words, it would seem rather a shame never to finish it.

Then, while on the phone with Susan, we did the chapter 21 debrief. It's something we always do after having read a chapter, get the thoughts and impressions from the other writer, sort out little issues that arise regarding detailing, character, whatever. This got me back on the Ishalian bandwagon, and I'm now all psyched again to get editing.

So that is why the world seems "Mmm words..." I have to get ready for school now.


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