Writing on writing

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mwa ha ha

There are now two pages of chapter two book two. Now I don't have to feel bad giving beth a long sentance to have to start with, nor will she be getting "BAM" not boom "mid sentance go!"

It's all Fraser and the boys, Nenan being anxious, and the whole them going off to get the baby. They get the beginnings of the plan and then life is good.

I also wrote the first five pages (which doesn't mean much because it's a script and on 1.5 spacing to make it an easier read) of my one act play. I've gotten somewhere with it though :D

Well I have to go now, my microwave is beeping at me.

Ta all! I wish you well and happy writing.
Bethie's really excited about getting the draft on monday XD I'm excited about her getting it too.

EEEE YAY! I just found my planner! So much to fill out! I need to get craking!


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