Writing on writing

Sunday, September 03, 2006

10,759 words

Goals complete. I think I know how it is going to end, though I'm not married to that particular ending. I at least know what's happening for the next third or so of the novel so I'm okay. I've also reached my 10,000 + goal, and considering my last year's submission came to just over 30,000 words, I think that puts me in a good place.

I was hoping, I admit, for a little bit more tonight. I'm pretty sure, based on last year's blog entries, that I am a little bit behind where I was at this time last year, but I'm really tired right now. I was just listening to Sarah McLaughlin's Rarities CD, it was working really well, but the last song on it, that goes "Just close your eyes... just clooooose your eeeeeeyyes" was seeming all too convincing. I think I might go to bed now and hope I rise early in the morning for a really productive day.

I did meet my goals, so all is good. Good night.


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