Writing on writing

Friday, August 27, 2004

Technology is against me

Susie gave me the disk with the chapter 15/16 Fraser on it. I cannot get the file open. I tried another disk which opened just fine, I was even able to open "chapter 13" which was saved on the same disk. I have chapter 13. It doesn't do me a lot of good. It says that the file name or path is not valid. I really want to see her work.

In theory I could do my Taryne part without having read the Fraser but there is apparently a little bit of Taryne in there too. I have to read that part before I can start writing her. Sigh. I'll probably give Susie a blank disk and just try it again. It just looks like only that file won't work so maybe if we try again... She can't e-mail it either because of disagreeing technology on her end. The world hates us.

If I were to take a leap of faith and start Taryne based on the outline of what was written that Susan provided me with, I wouldn't know where to begin. Like physically where to write. The computer in my room will be dismantled soon to re-do my bedroom. But to do it in the living room is... inconvienent if not impossible. I guess it will have to be my room and hope for the best.

There is a little bit of questionable plot in what I am about to write. I have to come up with a problem. I have a couple going through my mind based on what Suse and I talked about on the bus today and many are both plausible and interesting enough to be book worthy. Just a matter of picking one or making a new one. I can start writing without knowing that part though. That was the origonal plan anyhow, start writing and have the fingers figure that one out. But then I decided to consult Susan 'cause it looks like this could be a fairly important bit we're just throwing in there. It may, and hopfully will, serve to provide a motive for an action that occurs later that happened for virtually no logical reason.

So many complications... mostly techie based. If my only issue was plot devices I'd be thrilled. That is a problem I literally take joy out of solving. Technology that hates me is... unpleasant.


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