Writing on writing

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Post Con Blog (for real I swear)

Ok so I actually wanted todo a religion based blog on parallel mind, but I'd realised that I needed to do this one and didn't want to neglect that, because then I'd be a cyber liar. We can't have that now can we?

I'm IMing while I do this, what was that bethie said about sociaty's bogart on time, "dispicable" well yeah, but I got to do what I got to do. And now I have to read another blog, this is going to take for freaking ever.

So the con, what can I say. It's one of those life changing things. And creative works changing. We went from one to three books, and from a 2 part series to like a 4-6 part series. All of this form simply going to one or two seminares. The first really really interesting one was Pitch Queery Synopsis. That was done by a person from Loose Id, but you know it doesn't matter, because it was entirely informative, in fact the most informitive of them all. Or at least I thought so. There was one before that... what was it... oh I forget. But it was good too I'm sure. They were all good! It's hard to go over it all but this is one of those things that I will always remember because it was a total turning point in my [our] careers. I would continue and go indepth but it's one of those things that's hard to communicate in few words and I'd rather not go through every thing. Jim D. MacDonald, Deborah Doyle, Harold Gross, Eve Gordon, Ken Rand, Alisa Mcknight, KAREN JUNKER, and so so so many more, they were all just so insperational. They helped and now Beth and I are a few strides further down out paths a stride is a lot, especially for this particualre path.

I loved it and hope to go again next year or the year after.

I think Beth is better at articulating these sort of things as this is more one of those things that I keep within me and cherish. I'm not good at discussing this sort of thing without being vague. That's just me. The really good things that aren't emotional are hard to talk about for me, I don't know why... Just me. :) So I'll let bethie do it for me.


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