Writing on writing

Friday, April 28, 2006


Today we achieved an additional ten pages of editing. Yes, I checked that. It's actually ten and a bit. I like that we're making measurable accomplishments. It kinda sucks that we usually only get two hours of actual work. By the time we get home from debate/psych/rehearsal and settle in, it's about five, and we only work until about seven, at which point we eat and watch Survivor. Over the summer we're so sticking to this regular schedual thing, and Thursdays will still probably be best for me, but we'll be able to start earlier and thus achieve more work. I'd really really really like to be done done done the editing of the first book by the end of summer.

I did write. I pulled out my Full Throttle Energy Drink (it was a gift from the gods quite a while ago) thinking hey... if it keeps me up to dawn, it's not like I have anything to do tomorrow. I've written three pages -- the Taryne scene that I was unsure how to construct. I think I'm pretty well okay with it. Perhaps my confident scene in this chunk so far... oh but I'm so unsure... Gaaargh. Susan had better take notes for my feedback on this one.

Even though I've got a whopping 141 mg of caffine pulsing through my veins, as well as 1892 mg of turrine (I don't even know what that is...) I'm not feeling particularaly wakeful. It says reccomended dose of one can per adult per day -- I was fully expecting a rather vibrant buzz off of this, but regretfully, I feel like nothing. So I'm gonna go to bed, hopefully get some good sleep (despite all that caffine) and be able to write a Fraser, then a Laleena, then a Taryne/Fraser (the're not gonna be in the same scene... they're two scenes, but I don't know what order they come in) then a Laleena, then, maybe, one more Taryne. No no no, I'm not expecting to write all that tomorrow, but that's what I've pretty well got in mind before handing it off to Susan before I go to my non-women's fair (read cruise on the Oosterdam).


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