OK, so I wrote about a page and a half after having the files back on the computer, then I sent it to Beth. I determined that since we were both in the habit of keeping it with us only to write about three pages after about a month of nothing and then give it to someone else I'd try to break the habit. I hope it works!
I still have the beginning in my posession, but I have ideas rolling for that. Beth and I came to the realisation that we have less than half of the second to go, which is way cool! That means about 40 000 words, and then we're done. It feels strange, but real, and actually good, which is a novilty. I feel affirmed that I can get the Fraser/Laleena story done by then, but I still feel like I'm walking blind with Taryne. That damned academy is really making my brain work overtime.
Whatever the case, I'm feeling super creative lately, and my juices should be running well, after I get some sleep.
I still have the beginning in my posession, but I have ideas rolling for that. Beth and I came to the realisation that we have less than half of the second to go, which is way cool! That means about 40 000 words, and then we're done. It feels strange, but real, and actually good, which is a novilty. I feel affirmed that I can get the Fraser/Laleena story done by then, but I still feel like I'm walking blind with Taryne. That damned academy is really making my brain work overtime.
Whatever the case, I'm feeling super creative lately, and my juices should be running well, after I get some sleep.
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