Writing on writing

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Day 1--Anarchist [3 day]

Day 1
Last updated: 5:35pm

The title of the piece I'm working on for this three day novel writing contest is Anarchist.

I'll be posting my progress day by day in single posts with update times, much like I would on other spaces with my essays.
Zokutou word meter
10,016 / 10,000

10:04 pm (100% -- 10 016)
Today has been pretty good. I've had some hard parts but I think I mostly know where things are going for tomorrow, hopefully by the end of tomorrow I'll know where the rest is going. I think everything should turn out well. I'm a little concerned by formatting, as some of the story parts deviate from the other bits and pieces. Maybe a little integration is in order.

I've had to research suicide by electrocution, that's not pretty. I can't believe Wikki has a list of suicide methods... I finished the day off with Blue October, which worked well. For now I have to rest my wrists and fingers. Good night all.

5:35 p, (58.5%--5, 849)
Good going. Mom bugs me. Started with the new NIN.

4:53 pm (51% -- 5, 113)
I'm a little annoyed, I was on the verge of genius and mom decided to come in for a new book... oh yeah a little annoyed, to say the least.

I'm still confident that this book is going to be exactly the length that I need it to be, I just don't think I can premonition the next bits. It writes nicely, but it's hard to predict how the next section will go. Very much an impromptu work. My break went nicely. So far it's been snippits of Decemberists, both albums, Evenescence "Eternal" over and over, and the whole ripped album Alex gave me, plus a lot of NIN--the fragile, and Halo fourteen which was last year's music too.

2:12 pm (35% -- 3, 466)
I'm very happy with the way things are going. Again, I wish I could speed up a bit. But again, because of the nature of the piece... the pages don't really feel like the correspond with the word count. I'm on page fifteen already, double spacing. It's not a bad thing, because that's what's demanded, it just feels a little strange is all. Now it's time for my lunch break! Yay! Well earned. I definitely think this had more and more room to grow.

pm (25.% -- 2, 532)
Things are going well. I'm liking the word meter. I'm about 800 words away from a well deserved break, and then it's back to work for another third, and then back to work to fill the day's quota. Everything after that is bonus work. The goal is 10 000 words a day. I think I can handle that!

11:56 am
I've been working since about 10:30am today, I got a few things down yesterday morning/evening (12-1am). The obscurity of the way in which this novel has to be written is somewhat of a hindrence on speed, but the way I'm plodding that's not so distressing. I've been fairly steady (so far) and can only see things to tinker with. The challenge of the piece is to give enough, but not too much, away in order to keep it interesting. As well, to tie in the various elements so that they piece together cohesively.

I had a moment of panic, but I think I've quelled that. I see that Beth is ahead of me, hm. Well, I'm sure I can fix that in due time. *wink*

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  • At 10:19 PM, Blogger Bethany said…

    Oh I'm so glad! This might seem lame, but I've had trouble for the hour or so working on mine because I've been worried about you! You went more than four hours without a posted update, and the words had been trickling kind of slowly this morning. I knew you'd catch up, for sure, but I was totally picturing you struggling and it was awful to imagine. I think now that I know you've done well on day one I'll be able to crank out another thousand words or so before bed. Yipee!


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