Writing on writing

Monday, September 03, 2007

Day 3 -- Anarchist [3 day]



Zokutou word meter
26,000 / 26,000


I'm not fooling around with the exact number there, it just kinda happened.
So sad.
To much to say, and my fingers hurt too much to say it. Maybe tonight I'll run through and check my mistakes--I caught some pretty nasty ones this morning when I did a look through, so it's probably a good idea. I'm hungry... I've only eaten the one bun and a seasame ball today. I had to finish.

I don't feel bad, at all, for not having achieved 30 000, because, mostly, the story would have suffered under the weight of it. I'm satisfied with where it is. Sure, it could use some polish, and overall there are probably a lot of scene expansions. But I am done. My foot is down, and my fingers ache.


I've come to the conclusion that I'll only be writing about 26 000 words for this story, which is just fiiiiine with me. It means the actual writing is almost done, thank god. I just need to make Caleb happen. He may have a small role, but it's important.

This is what my word meter should actually be looking like, sans the optimism.
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
24,448 / 26,000

Of course, this actually makes more sense on the whole. I would rather send something in that is working for me, than that has a lot of filler. Right? Exactly.

Writing this is making me so nervous I have stomach cramps (that may also be the eating habits kicking in, but I attribute it mostly to nerves.)


I've just put the damned end in my document. Yes I've written the end. The last five pages, the last one thousand something words as they exist in my mind. Why, you ask, did I write the end when I've yet to flesh out the parts between where I was, and where I will be. Because I knew that part, that's why.

First I have to figure out Caleb's deceptions. I have to figure out Anarchist's motives (figures she'd choose now to be non-communitive) and I have to guide Mercury through it all.

The end isn't exactly motivational, so now I have to go "ok children, time to do something please". I kind of hate Caleb, but I think that that's because Mercury... excuse me, Asta, does too...

Basically, it's kind of a strange ending... but maybe it will not be the end. Who knows, nothing is printed, thus it is not written in stone.

1:38-- 22, 532, that's if you count every word soon to be used, and written today and the like, not what's currently in the manuscript

My stomach aches. I think I need to eat something nutritional soon. Like STAT soon.

1:20 -- 22070 (this is a total lie, it's more like 21 594, the math doesn't add up 'cause I added words)

Whatever the case that is approximately where I am. It's not writing as easily as it had been. but I think I know where I'm going. Not I happy ending I guess. Shit. Whatever right, the object is to finish.

Mercury is so confused, and I really don't blame her.

12:45 -- 20,957 +588

I think I might need Bonnie Tyler--but Gwen Stephani is doing just as well--as well as she can. The problem is that there's going to be more killing, and I don't know who's going to die, and I think I'm going to have a stupidly arty ending, that isn't going to give any of my characters any kind of satisfaction... not really.

I mean, men love her. Does that mean she loves men? The only person she loves is Anarchist. Is she going to kill Anarchist? Maybe... but I don't think that sounds right.

Oh ew... what if I have him kill Anarchist, and the kid learns what hate means... oh ew. I mean she's grown up in a Dystopia, she doesn't know the meaning of horror because she's seen too much of it. Is she the strongest? She might be... is she strong enough to live entirely in hatred of someone? Probably.

I really don't want Anarchist to die, but I think she might have to. That sucks, but she'll be able to see David again, probably.

It's all on Mercury now, and neither of us is entirely sure if that's ok. Her and I, we know eachother, but we both know her limitations--I don't want to bend her like I've been forced to ben Anarchist. I don't want to have to create another utter chaos.

it's all designe it's all designe[...] kids with guns, easy does it---they're turning us into monsters, turning us into fire.

It's not that I don't have words... I have pleanty of those. But I also have aches, pain, and IN-HIB-ITIONS.

As well as those small hindrances I'm having structural difficulties. Grrrr... I'm not putting up a word count yet because at the moment my count is: 20 658... but really it's 21 462 (which isn't so bad)... you see, I had to remove a scene that I wrote straight off the bat because it was too soon. I'll add it near the end of the book--we are talking total end game here folks--but not right now. So my word count is fucked.

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