Writing on writing

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ah hem

Ah hem hem hem... Now that that is done.

Wrote some good things the other day another two and a half pages, which I am pretty sure I have not discussed. Our dear ignorant laleena get's "the talk" poor dear to quote, "I don't even know how one would go about being intimate with a man," jeez louise and this girl is pregnant! Imaculate conception is fun, or as my father calls it, imaculate deception.

Lala la la la. I've been dwelling in the world of the published again. On remarks that our book would bring about should we be published that is. Sometimes I wonder if this particulare stint would get us angry letters from crazed christians, but then I think not they have better things to concern themselves with, you know the anti-christ, and the second coming and all.

the little contest I'm entering is drawing ever closer and I fear for my fingurs, and my stereo system. Both will most likely be worn out by the end of this contest. Those and my wrists. Maybe I should give those poor guys a break. *Pout, for the wrists*. well I'm going to go play runescape, wish me cyber luck!


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