Writing on writing

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Time to dress my best

Writing this in word because the modem is being bitchy again, I sigh to this. But whatever, I have done nothing but watch one movie, and write all day, granted I’ve only been up for six hours now… but still that’s pretty awesome! The movie was short too so no big time eaten there, about an hour something. It was a good movie too. Very much in the same genre as what I’m writing.

So anyhow, I’m about four and a half pages in, a lot of it had to be carefully processed so don’t tease, I know it’s not as good as my usual say six or something in this time frame, but I haven’t written anything but poetry in the last little bit and need a bit of a stretch before I start to run. The good part though, is that everything I’ve written is there to further the plot, nothing superfluous for me =) that being said, I’ve got a banquet to attend. After a lunch of Mac and cheese I will be off to Ishalia to dine with the lords and ladies of the courts for the princess Taryne’s engagement ball. Ye ha! I can’t believe I got there; I’m going to keep writing tonight till I run out of banquet OR until the muse leaves me. I hope do hope that the later isn’t in the making, but one never knows. I have a rough plan of how this is to go, but nothing definite as of yet, something may come up unexpectedly and I may end up with a very L.K.H.esk scene that takes for forever and a half followed by another (the birthing) that does the same thing only to tie them up together. I shall write more once done.


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