Writing on writing

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Parts of it rhyme

We're still doing well over here. Pages are still soming slowly, but I'm still happy with progress. Where I stopped last night I very nearly continued, but I stopped somewhere important, just before a part that's gonna be tricky to write, so I thought I'd consider it some more before I just dove in there.

I have to write a scene (scenes?) that involve two events happening simultaneously. They are different eents, but of the same nature, happening to different people in differernt places, and it involves magic. One of these events is more important that the other, in fact, I considered scrapping the other, but I need both events to justify the one.

I'm already developing a list of what I like and what I worry about in what I've writtin. I put some of the likes down here 'cause when Suse reads them I'll want to know if she liked them too. I'll the worries off for now so she can read it with a clean slate and not be watching for specific flaws.

...Okay well there were things I distinctly liked last night... I can't remember them now. That doesn't mean I don't like what I wrote, only that I'm a ditz and will attribute that to having just woken up 20 mins ago...

Yesterday's pages: About 5


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