Writing on writing

Friday, July 08, 2005

Sooo Sloooow

Okay so I didn't get a huge amount done yesterday. I maintain that if I'd started some time before 1am I likely could have accomplished more...

My major list of "to dos" for this section have been accomplished. Considering how much I've accomplished, I'm surprised at my page count being kinda lower than I'd thought it would be. Then again, Susie was given a banquet to do and chrurned out 25, comparatively little of which was actually banquet as she had lots of working up to get done. She left me right on the brink of the birthing, so I didn't really have much preliminary to get done. Also, I like that it's fast paced -- from the death of the King to right around where I am now is the climax of the novel (in my oppinion anyway... I donno, Suse may like to extend it to the trial, but I dont' think so.)

I'm not quite done with it yet. I'd like to get them a little bit closer to the trial before I hand it over. There is just a little left to wrap up with the Three, but I think that can be done later, and I have a few other loose ends to tie together befor Susan can have it.

Yesterday's pages: 2


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