My charming partner was awfully excited there but didn't mention just why that was. WE'RE GOING TO GO TO THE SEATTLE WRITER'S WEEKEND CONFERENCE!!!
Yes, us two little aspiring teenage novelists from the Vancouver area of British Columbia are going to go to a writing conference literally in another country which will feature agents and editors and genre authors including, possibly, one of our faves, Jaqueline Carey. It is hard to express, be me a writer or no, just how happy this makes us. We were so excited to take in just an hour and a half of a seminar at the Vancouver International reader's and writer's festival in october. There were as many people crammed in that room as there will be at this entire conference. Small is good. more attention, more one on one. There will be editors from, gasp, TOR, as well as some others. The conference is just taking shape now and we don't know who all the guests will be, but based on what we know of last year's (which is a fair bit, we did afterall, enter their contest) it is going to be absolutely amazing.
I do know that last year a 13 year old boy had a manuscript requested from TOR. It is our dream to have TOR publish our book. That would be beyond awsome. Gaaaaaaahhhhhh - that's a good gah. A manuscript request... woah... from TOR... quadruple woah...
There is a gothic ball, which sounds like amazing levels of fun. There are many oppertunities to talk to to professionals in the trade. They provide all sorts of... of
stuff to help out aspiring writers. To be around actual agents and editors though... that is so so so great. Just imagine the possiblities. We will enter their contest again, same material just... better. Much better. You know, no gramattical errors, that was a definate oops.
We all know what this means. Our writing just had a jumpstart. After all the stuff that happened with our suicidal friend (check out my other blog) our writing suffered. Now that we have this, we want to be done, or damn close to it by the conference, so that if we do, by some miracle have a manuscript requested, we can actually send one.
Suse is gonna get the gang from Porthos to the castle and I'm gonna occupy castle folk 'till they get there then we're gonna switch roles and just write, seeing what happens for the banquet. At least I believe that's the plan. We're gonna be busy. Happily, excitedly, contentedly busy.