Writing on writing

Friday, May 26, 2006

Blogosphere revolts!

There is a power inherent in the internet, and that is that people have the power to communicate, and thus to make things happen, with a short number of key strokes. Thanks to to folks at Making Light, and also to the ineffable Miss Snark, I have become aware of the case of Barbara Bauer and the ceassation of the site Absolute Write which was one of the predominant web-based resourses for new writers. As a new writer, I take offense to this. As a young person growing up in contemporary society, I like to believe that censorship does not occur, or at the very least it shouldn't. The following is a link to the SFWA page that lists the 20 worst literary agents, of which Ms Bauer is reporedly one.

Barbara Bauer

It has become the goal of the writing blogosphere to make the BB case known to the world, to try to have AW restored. Here's to the power of the internet. Here's to people taking a stand.

Technorati Tag:

Monday, May 22, 2006


Well I got bethie's writing and was happy to see that it ran along the lines of just-what-I-wanted, which is a good thing, a happy thing. Now to finish up our conversation (the one we have between each exchange) and I too can start down the road again.

Here's to momentem.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I finished! I would have come in here sooner to report it, but the finished product was Susie's birthday present (part...3?). I actually stayed awake until past 4am last night to get it done. I did something like nine pages. She's got it to read now. She's going to have thorough notes for me. Most of what I wrote I'm unsure of. There's really only one scene that I know I like... perhaps two -- there could be one I forgot. And that one I'm sure I like is one of the ones I'm not so sure partnaire extraordinaire will necessarily like. But it's done now, so


As soon as I get a chunk bitten out of my homework, I can do some editing (B1 pt2). I would really really like to get ahead in my school work. 'twould be be niftiness.

Write one grasshopper.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dammit dammit dammit!

I am an idiot. I am a moron. I am ... [cease and desist]

I should have finished the writing before I went away. I should have. I should have abstained from sleep (would have been good practice for the cruise) and just done the part I wanted to do. I tried to write today, but I have school. And school is eating my brain. You have no idea how much work they've managed to put on me in just three little days. I tried to write and was short tempered, feeling guilty for not reading about the life of this random greek dude, and generally easily frustrated. I've had technical difficulties today relating to school and an online course I'm taking, and when I was writing, something funky was happening with the comment function and I wanted to throw the compter at something.

What's happening in my writing brain? I have Laleena's wedding scene to write. I feel no real desire to write that, I don't really know what it's going to look like, but I feel like I could do it if I had to. This includes Ms. Nyoka's appearance. Then, and more importantly, there's the scene I want to write after the wedding scene. This one I really want to write, I know what it looks like, and it has actual importance that will carry the rest of this book, and come into play in the next. It's a crucial Laleena scene. I WILL NOT pass it on until I write it. Then there's Taryne... Again, I could if I had to, but I don't know if I want to. There's the scene with Faron, and I know how to get him there, and I know how to make him leave, and I've got one or two little humorous/mysterious soundbytes to include, but I don't know what the scene accomplishes. As long as the scene is written, I don't care if it's me who does it.

So here's the coles notes:

There is one scene left that I really want to write.

That one scene is preceeded by a scene I'm not so hot on.

There is also a Taryne scene, which must be written, but I don't care if it's me, or even if it's not done for another fifty pages.

So. I'm thinking Taryne's getting postponed. There are two choices for her: a) I describe to Susan the scene components I have and we see if she can flesh it out and feels inclined to write it some time in her next chunk; b) I just put it off, Taryne does whatever she wants with Susan (I'll brainstorm if you want) and I do the Faron scene next time I have the work in my hands.

So now I pose a question. And yes, I want it answered.

Should I write the wedding scene, a seemingly very important scene, even though I'm only lukewarm, or should I skip it and write the "after wedding" scene leaving Suse to fill in the blanks again (I'm so sorry... you're so allowed to pull this crap with me)?

I don't even know what to think anymore. I don't believe I really have an oppionion on the matter as long as I do the "after wedding". Keep in mind that if I'm doing the wedding it'll take me a fair while longer.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Because I appreciate her accademic needs...

Guess what?

What's that? You've guessed already? You've known for a while? Deep down in your heart you knew? Sorry if I'm predictable. Or... wait... what was that? Incapable, did you say? Now that's vaguely insulting. I'm sorry, okay? Very, very sorry!

Yeah... I'm not going to be done before I go on my mini cruise. There's too much for me to get through, and too little time. But come on: The Suse has an AP exam next week -- I don't want this in her posession for the weekend! She has psychology to study!!

At least I'm not absently sitting on it. It's not smouldering under a heavey-weight To Do list as I busily try (but ultimately fail) to make time for it. I've been doing well, I swear! It won't be much longer. Really, it won't.

I'm sorry!