Writing on writing

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Double Guilt

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHG. My computers not even down, I'm just too blastedly stressed to even bother writing, that adn Inormally have too much home work, or I'm not in the right head space, or the world is evil, or some stupid excuse that is makeing me hate myself even more then I usually do.

Sigh. Let's just leave it at the question I've been plauging myself with for the past couple of days, "what's wrong with me?"


I did it. I broke my writing fast. Last night produced two solid pages of Taryne. It felt so nice, so easy. I ended up completely home alone after Chelsea went to Pathfinders and my mom and dad were at monday night football. I was about to put in the hunchback of notre dame (I've been trying to watch it for a while) but I said nah, I'll go on Runescape. I get to Runescape and there was on one there. Okay, time to reconsider. Now that I was off the couch, a movie didn't seem as grand. So I wandered to my room, turned on the newly set up old computer, and started to write. Well edit, of course, but this is new material that was never in the origonal, so writing it is.

Before I wrote, I thought it would be wise to re-read what I'd already written for Taryne thus far. This was the most pleasant surprise of the evening. I found myself engaged in my own writing after setting in down only a month ago. It is really, quite well written. I have really improved my writing skill over the past couple years that this book has been developing. I was quite happy to see that what had been done was done well.

So how did last nights writing go? Fairly well. I introduced a new character (in mane only - we haven't met him yet) a Councilam Payton. The section isn't done yet so I can't really critique it yet, but I'm thinking good things so far.

I'm so happy to have finally written. Yes, it takes time out of my very busy grade 12 life, yes I probably have somehting "better" to do. Writing is like my yoga... pilates... personal zen garden. It does good things to my soul.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Guilt trip

We. Have. Not. Written. Laleena. In. A. Reallyreallyreallyreallyreally-long-time!! We were doing so well. Both of us were able to write at the same time, and what both of us were writing was really good. But then school started. Edit: My room started. Doing my bedroom but it on hold to begin with, then school has prevented me from bringing it back to where I was. Today I am officially putting my room back together and where it may not be immaculate after today, my computer will be hooked up and I can write some Taryne.

I feel bad about her 'cause I said I'd take it. We came up with an elaborate, yet terribly important bit of plot addition which is already slipping from my negligent little mind. Poor Taryne. I'd barely started her when it all went on hold.

I should also maybe write a quick short story for the writer's club. Meh, probably wont.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Just realised

I've just realised that it has been wayyyyy, too long since either of us have posted in this blog. Sigh I've just not been motivated to do so. I think that it is becasue At first I was bogged down by a writing contest I was competing in, and thten it was school. Since then it's been a slog fest to even bother writing/editing the novel. Well I can probably post later for now I have to do work (I may even write within the hour.)