Writing on writing

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Got words

I am a happy writer. Well, I anticipate becoming a happy writer in the very near future, anyway. I figure a writer can't rightly be a happy writer unless said writer is actively engaged in the act of writing -- which I will be shortly.

I read the selection that Susan wrote, and I am happy with it. There were a couple of scenes of especially that got my all jollied up -- I could sense a little Carey influence, as well as the inclusion of some rather hard-core fantasy stuff. Some pretty killer characterization too.

She left me, quite literally, in the middle of a scene. I must say, it is an interesting tactic -- I cannot exactly say I don't know where to begin! I'm not going to write right now though... I'll take a little break. I have to digest an gather my thoughts. I am awfully excited though.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hidden Writing

It's not that I didn't want to tell the world about my writing, I just didn't wanna give the notion "perhaps I'll write" because perhaps tends to lead to "nah" I didn't want to post anything down in here until there was some substantial writing down on that paper of mine, and now there is.

Seven pages have been accomplished in the last few days, and I like them all. Though there are a few before them that I believe kill tension, or that maybe should have some more meaning engrained into their existance later on, they are pages and that's what matters.

Now on page twenty of my latest set I find myself being able to truthfully say that Bethie will be getting her chunk come monday. We'll be getting together in a group scene, and if this isn't motivation to come on over I don't know what is. I've got a bit of one scene to finish, and then it's on to a possible other, but I feel that I've got quite enough accomplished.

I'd give a more indepth report on my writing goings on and such, but I've a lunch date I'd be best getting to.