Writing on writing

Sunday, April 30, 2006

They finally left!

I just got the man-folk out of Bome. Remeber the scene that wouldn't end? Well I just finished the second part. I'd thought five pages or so for the entire stay in Bome -- it ended up being about 12 pages, over two scenes. And nothing happened that I wasn't expecting. It just took longer. I don't know what that means. I did a few pages today, and whilst walking the dog I cleared up inhabitions that I'd had about coming scenes. I may (will probably) write more after Grey's Anatomy.

[later: 1:20am]

Okay, the final page count for the day is seven pages. This is pretty equally spread between the Fraser part that I finished earlier this evening, and the little Laleena part done tonight. I think next will be Laleena part B... it doesn't seem appropriate to interrupt to cut back to the castle at just this point. Suse posted the first verse of Lacy's song, shall I post the second? The Word document has a comment attatched explaining why I'm not really sure it, but here it is, the second verse:

Darling daughter, morning’s start
Never, never lose your heart.
Victim of a bigger power,
Essence of the Island’s flower.

I'm gong to bed. I was going to blog elsewhere, but writing tired me out.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Today we achieved an additional ten pages of editing. Yes, I checked that. It's actually ten and a bit. I like that we're making measurable accomplishments. It kinda sucks that we usually only get two hours of actual work. By the time we get home from debate/psych/rehearsal and settle in, it's about five, and we only work until about seven, at which point we eat and watch Survivor. Over the summer we're so sticking to this regular schedual thing, and Thursdays will still probably be best for me, but we'll be able to start earlier and thus achieve more work. I'd really really really like to be done done done the editing of the first book by the end of summer.

I did write. I pulled out my Full Throttle Energy Drink (it was a gift from the gods quite a while ago) thinking hey... if it keeps me up to dawn, it's not like I have anything to do tomorrow. I've written three pages -- the Taryne scene that I was unsure how to construct. I think I'm pretty well okay with it. Perhaps my confident scene in this chunk so far... oh but I'm so unsure... Gaaargh. Susan had better take notes for my feedback on this one.

Even though I've got a whopping 141 mg of caffine pulsing through my veins, as well as 1892 mg of turrine (I don't even know what that is...) I'm not feeling particularaly wakeful. It says reccomended dose of one can per adult per day -- I was fully expecting a rather vibrant buzz off of this, but regretfully, I feel like nothing. So I'm gonna go to bed, hopefully get some good sleep (despite all that caffine) and be able to write a Fraser, then a Laleena, then a Taryne/Fraser (the're not gonna be in the same scene... they're two scenes, but I don't know what order they come in) then a Laleena, then, maybe, one more Taryne. No no no, I'm not expecting to write all that tomorrow, but that's what I've pretty well got in mind before handing it off to Susan before I go to my non-women's fair (read cruise on the Oosterdam).

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The scene that wouldn't end

This afternoon I was having difficulties with the Fraser scene I had in mind. I knew what I wanted to accomplish, and I even had a pretty good idea of what it was going to look like, but it just wouldn't come. I bled two pages and had to stop. I couldn't take anymore. I rested some few hours, and returned to it later. Two pages had been written, and I expected two, perhaps three more. I guess when I went back to it I'd lost whatever inhibitions were in the way. I kept thinking, "Oh this is almost done now," and then I'd remember that I hadn't mentioned this important thing, or that now would be a good time to bring up that important thing I was going to mention later. And it was all done through dialogue, so it took up lots of page space. All together it ened up a scene of seven and a bit pages. While that's not really all that much more than the five pages I'd expected, the scene did end earlier than I thought it would -- ie I got them from point A to point C, where I thought they were going to point D. These points aren't physical places by the way, it all takes place in Bome. Really, they're conversational/plot points I'm talking about.

This Fraser part is going to have more significance in probably the third book. But that significance is going to be pretty straight forward. The Taryne scene that I have in mind is going to set stuff up that's going to effect what she's up to in castle land for a large chunk of the rest of this book, so it's important that Suse and I discuss it before she starts to write. Hopefully it will give Taryne's plot some shape so she'll be more comfortable writing it. It took me a while to come up with this, it was one of those ideas that was half there for a really long time, and was getting really frustrating. After some trial ideas I've figured it out, and I'm happy with it.

I'm going to bed now. I'm going to write the Taryne scene tomorrow. Probably after Susan I discuss it, which is good. I'll be all on topic and motivated. Neat.

Ooh it's like 2am... fancy that. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WRITING PARTNER!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Idiots make me happy inside

Part of the reason that makes reading the blogs of industry pros so enjoyable, is that you hear about people who do things/write things about which you can only say "What were thinking??"

The title of a book actually submitted to Tor: ADOLF HITLER IN OZ

Now there's one I'd never write. Oh the laughter.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy

The reading felt great.

The writing felt even better.

Oh happy happy, joyed happy, joy joy, joy of the happy in the happy joy -- be there joy to the happy... happy happy happy...

*hums happy joyful song*

happy happy happy

Monday, April 17, 2006

For Posterity's sake...

I have written, and I have FINALLY finished my section of the second book. I believe that we are entering 2nd quarter stage, which is rahter exciting, rather exciting because this book is feeling more like a book and less like a story.

We have had a couple of brain storming sessions and both long and short term plans and character assumptions have been made, all of which are very exciting.

Beth gets the next section tomorrow and I know that she is practically bouncing with anticipation. There is a reason I held off finishing before she finished her essays and what not. She'd be screwed if I didn't.

Over all the writing is coming along nicely. Five pages last night and a troubled sleep pattern, but it is all worth it.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

productive procrastination.

Misty maiden of dawn's end
When are you to come again?
Always here but never leaving
Till the spiders stop their weaving.

This is the beginning of Lacy's song, the one that Laleena will not know the whole of till the end of the Edmund segment. I decided that I needed to be productive today, and while I didn't get any homework done I did get five pages of writing done - plus about a paragraph.

I'm a bit worried about these pages though... I fear they are a bit, much. Laleena gets publicly spanked in front of a serving staff of about twenty. First her palms are whipped, but that is aparently not enough for eddy. I tried to make it as non-porn as possible, and I tried to make edmund still edmund but we'll see... we'll see what my collegue says. Everything has the ability to be cut. I can't help it that this is what he did to her. It just is.

The song comes at the end of the segment, as Laleena falls into slumber. This is just the beginning for her. The poor child.