Writing on writing

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Passing on Advice

I mentioned to Susan on the phone last night the really neat writer resources that fantasy writer Sara Douglass has composed for her website. I'm going to pass on some links to bits that seemed particularly nifty and novel. (ooh the pun).

I particularly enjoyed her guide to Fantasy Writing as it covers things that we've pretty well figured out on our own, but she goes into why, and some interesting things about what's "in" in fantasy right now.

I really only skimmed this one, but I may give it a better read later on: The Modern Epic Romance which talks a lot about why people like reading fantasy. There are some really insightful bits in there.

This Page is all about the business of writing and has a whole lotta links embedded in it for things about publishers, agents, general advice -- all sorts of stuff.

Again, most of the stuff I've posted here, Susan would already know, but it still might be neat to look at it. I thought also that she might want to share some of it with her writers club.

Well that's all for now -- I suppose I should go do homework so I can put this writing stuff to work ; )

Monday, February 13, 2006

It's a good start

And that's really what it is, but I'm really feeling the muse. I keep getting these "further the plot" moments and it's good... I only did about two pages of work today. I got the Laleena to fill in the previous chapters - done, and now I'm working on chapter five. So far it's good, I wrote from a perspective that I've not done before - but Balin's voice was speaking loud and clear, so I gave the man his dues. He deserved it, trust me. He has a plan, so I'm going to let him talk. There it is.

I like the ideas so far, and I'm considering Taryne bits. I think we open her with an argument in councilland.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

*Dances on spot and whines*

"and TJ Farrell - she'll do some workshops on weaponry and martial arts"

I wanna go-ooooo - I'll feel superior for already knowing stuff in that one :P and then getting to know more! OMFG I wanna go-oooooo!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

It was exciting!

The 44-page-a-thon was great! Though there do need to be more or else we'll never finish...

Susan pretty well summed it up, but I just wanted to add that already (ie in our 44 pages) we've cut 5381 words.

44 pages

I went over to Beth's house last night and at about five o'clock the two of us started the conjoined writing-a-thon it will be an event spanning many nights. Lord save us. It's not an easy thing either, some word or another - a phrase or paragraph alone took us about half an hour to hash out. It was rediculous, but fun.

I personally got some pages done last thursday and read Beth's piece (which was lovely) I think this book will not have the beginning issues that the other has. Deffinitely the editing will be much tamer that time around. The first time's the mile stone right? Right.

Well since I have devoted so much time of late to my craft it is time to hit the books. But first: a shower.

Pafges written so far = four and a bit.

Friday, February 03, 2006

She poked me!

Ms Junker of Writer's Weekend poked me! I donno if she poked Susan or not... I think it's because I signed up for her e-mail list -- or maybe because we were there last year. I donno, but she poked me!

It only costs $150... of which we'd get 50 back for volunteering while we were there. It's at the end of June. I believe the only provincials Susan writes this year are English and Geog... WW is June 22-25... the Eng 12 exam is on the 22... but she'll be writing that in April... so unless she re-writes... and the Geog is on the 27th...

I'd be in school (uh... or Italy...). Assuming I'd still have Fridays off, I'd only have to miss one day of classes.

I still don't know if we can aford it. I really doubt we could swing it without parents... But she poked me!

In other news... Susan's read my writing and neglected to blog about it. I'm pleased that she liked Balin's Sister. I sorta wasn't sure about her. I liked her.

...my writing fund has $16.58