Writing on writing

Sunday, January 29, 2006

All yours kid

I'm done. I put into 1.5 spacing (because that's the language that Susan speaks) and I wrote 29 pages. The last scene, getting Lu out of the castle, is ten of those.

Tomorrow it's yours. I'm excited.

Sometimes you just have to

Sometimes I just have to write. It's not because I have a deadline or a schedule or anything, it's simply because I have to. Right now is like that. I'm rather pleased that I get the newest instalment of book two tomorrow because I need to write. I know I just did, but it seems like I'm envigorated again. That and I'm in the place where the only way of burning off my emotions is through intense physical excersise or the written word.

I want Lauren.

I finished my part of the editing last night and am now awaiting the writing part. I know I said I wanted to write but now it's double time need. I haven't been without something novel related to do in some time. It feels a bit icky I must admit. Thank god for the poetry blog I suppose.

Heavens to betsy. This thing is actually comeing close to ending. I hope we can keep up our writing speed as well. If we do, all the close we'll be to a three book deal. I hope, I dream, I pray.

*does the maniacle finger thing*

you know... the motion that generally goes with a "muhaha" sound?

Of course, we all know what this means? When the first half is edited by us both? We have that little thing we called a "debreif" -- that thing that we said would amount to us reading the entire book aloud. In two parts of course.

We have to get the edits onto a computer screen and fight out all the disagreements.

It will take a looong time. It's good that you're done ahead of shedule. If you have a relatively free weekend (ie with limited homework) we can do our edit-paloozle. I'm thinking it will be an all night affair. I mean, 200+ pages out loud? With typing and battles?

AND we start to query agents. *GRIN*


I'm almost done editing. I won't get my other thing done today, but before I sleep I can probably get done the last like six pages of editing. GO ME! That's about two weeks ahead of schedule. Wow...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Hehe... I way don't know if I spelt that right.

Yesterday I wrote AND I edited. Woaaah... Good times.

I need to talk to Suse about the writing though... Need to check something.

The part I wrote was... interesting. I don't think we have anohter section written quite like this one. I think I like it though. I donno. It's kinda different, but seemed to me the best way to make things work. Actually, I didn't even think of it: my fingers did.

Monday, January 23, 2006

One foot




That's how it feels to try and balance writing with a scholastic life and a social life. God it's hard.

I wrote yesterday. Not a huge amount, only like four pages, but I didn't finish my scene so I'm gonna feel compelled to continue very soon (today?). I also printed pages to edit at school today -- I got so far ahead on my homework, that I don't have much schoolwork to do at school this week.

Three cheers for pages! *cheer* *cheer* *cheer*

--I have to go get ready so I can leave a few minutes early... I have to my civic duty. 'Tis voting day here in the great Canadian nation.

Monday, January 16, 2006


I've had writing traps in my way, so really no editing today. BUT now that this one act is done and my mid terms are over DOUBLE TIME!

Bet I can get lots done now :D

Pages doth cometh

The problem is that I'm really not sure about them. I am enjoying the writing experience, but I'm really really not sure if what I've got so far is any good. I mean, there are bits and pieces that I like, but when I consider my page-count as a whole at the moment, I really don't know if I'm pleased with it.

I don't want to say specifically what I'm not so sure about, because I don't want to bias Susan's reading of it (be prepared to give comments kid). There's something about the Taryne part I'm not sure about, something about the Laleena part I'm not sure about, and a thing or two about the Fraser part that I'm not sure about. Considering I've only written those three parts, that doesn't seem to exude a huge amount of confidence in the work.

I know I have to do one more Taryne part. Then I'm thinking, depending how that goes, that I might do one more Fraser part. Then pass it on. So I'm thinking like ten more pages or so (remember, I'm speaking in double spaced terms) and then I'll be done... maybe a little more than that, depending how it goes and where I decide to leave Fraser and the gang. I'm kinda hoping to be done what I want to be done by Thursday so I can pass it off at debate, but I make no guarentees. I think Suse and I are going to a movie this weekend; I may end up giving it to her there.

~~ I think I'm going to go eat lunch now.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I came, I wrote

I conquered.

Got like actual pages today. I am saddened that my life is so busy that churning out six pages feels like a major accomplishment. If I were a real, live writer, paid to do just this, and did not have to worry about silly things like school, I'd accomplish so much more.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

That's it

This doesn't really have anything to do with my personal progress (except that I plan on editing today and getting a good amount done)

I was just reading Laurell K Hamilton's blog and I thought "wow that's what I want" not the ex husband, that I could live without. No, what I want is a family, and to be able to make enough money in my work that - while I'm not stinking rich - I'm comfortable and able to do things like: put an addition on my house.

I mean wow. She got sick but was able to have fun, work, have fun, play, be with her hubby - and her child, and just be. That is one of the many reasons I want that profession. One of many.

I love Laurell, I love her work, but most of all - I love her job. I want Laurell K Hamilton's job. Wow... Good thing there are always spots open in the field.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I Leave Her Be...

I left her alone for a day and she's already considering "passing it off" I mean wow, she must have been backed-up creatively to have gotten this much done, I'm not even in my editing "phase" yet. I mean I'm in the sixties page wise, but it's not even near like half done or anything. I'm just... I'm going wow that Beth is so close to done her part, just really wow.

I got over ten pages done today, I didn't really count since I had to go toot sweet afterwords.

I've gotten a lot done today but I'm too tired to go into it.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

2 pages

bed now -- more tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Habit

I came home today, and even though I have a mid term tomorrow, I readied myself to edit - and then did so. I got sixteen pages done today, I did five yesterday. i think this is good for a busy part of the year. I mean it is the mid term season isn't it? Yes, yes it is.

I don't think I'll get as much done tomorrow as I have some things to do directly after school, and then a psychology mid term to study for - this means no time to edit. Friday is doubtful as well, but it turns out that I have a free Saturday. This is good - this of course means that I may edit, and do other things as well *thumbs up* to that.

In total I have gotten 56 pages of editing done since Monday. I think that makes for a good Suzie. Remember I've technically had no time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Not slowing down

An additional three and a half pages today. I thought it was less than that until I actually went and counted like five minutes ago.

Put down the blue pen!

Reading was fun last night, though I must say, it was hard to resist the urge to place and replace commas, to change the occasional word, et cetera et cetera. Editing was still very much a habit, but I mostly refrained. I made a couple comments on the document, and left the rest to be recaught at edit time. 'Cause I'm so done with editing for the time being.

What I read, I'm pleased to report, was quite good. Of it all I thought the Taryne/Deirdre scene was the best written. It was well paced, with good dialogue, and accomplished something major for plot without having it seem forced.

The bit Susan was concerned about regarded some flashback type dialogue. I thought it sounded great, but that we should put the "No no no"'s and whatnot in italics -- just to avoid confusion. It almost looks like she's actually saying those things again. But it sounded awesome. Way to show turmoil girl!

The manly parts (lol she'll know exactly what I mean) were really good, but I somehow seemed to find them a bit fast paced. I don't know why. It was a pretty sizable part. I loved the dialogue between Balin and that guard dude. And the ceremony was neat too.

Of it all, the only part that's stuck reasonably close to the origonal manuscript is the Laleena bit. Some definately cool imagery there.

That's where I started. Yes, I did write last night. A whole three and a half pages. For the L-girl. I'm going to like this, methinks. Though I do want to talk to Susan about Taryne before I go too much farther.

~ Oh, and yeah, that's so why there are two of us. Especially for the first wee bit... up to chapter 11 or so, there are quite a few errors. I can't possibly imagine I caught them all. Lol, I can so imagine you sitting there: "How the hell did she not get that!!"

Monday, January 09, 2006


There is a reason that two of us edit. I'm catching things Beth should have and Beth probably caught things that I wouldn't have. I have so far done 35 pages of editing. Pretty good for the first day - now if I can keep up this standared I should be good to go.

Well there is lots to do, and I'm really tired, so like a good Susie I shall delay the doing there of till tomorrow.

Eep, tests and such - good thing I can catch up on it all tomorrow *thumbs up*

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mwa ha ha

There are now two pages of chapter two book two. Now I don't have to feel bad giving beth a long sentance to have to start with, nor will she be getting "BAM" not boom "mid sentance go!"

It's all Fraser and the boys, Nenan being anxious, and the whole them going off to get the baby. They get the beginnings of the plan and then life is good.

I also wrote the first five pages (which doesn't mean much because it's a script and on 1.5 spacing to make it an easier read) of my one act play. I've gotten somewhere with it though :D

Well I have to go now, my microwave is beeping at me.

Ta all! I wish you well and happy writing.
Bethie's really excited about getting the draft on monday XD I'm excited about her getting it too.

EEEE YAY! I just found my planner! So much to fill out! I need to get craking!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

*Cracks Fingers*

Ok *cracks fingers again as if readying for intense piano playing* Time to get started on the editing. This involves a pen not a key board... hmmm, interesting.

So this is the plan Bethie.

I'm going to get as much of this bloody chapter two done this weeked as i can (I have a goal) and then whatever I have left on Monday goes to your sister - floppy form - and then to you. OK?

Chapter one is done by the way, it's just a matter of fact that I started chapter two unsure when you would be done the editing when I did so. So yeah, I'm going to try and at least finish up this section before i hand it to you, or it'll be just way too impolite.

So Monday = exchange day. Tell her I'm in the drama room at lunch OR Ms Fisher's room at break. She can take her pick but I need to know before said day. Alright? Alright *thumbs up*

hehehehe... I have to carry around a binder, it's going to be a bitch having it there and being in class... there is a reason we don't bring work to school, it'll be put in place of completely pointless academics, like catering - nah I like that class... but directing a script writing just won't be safe.

It's going to be so effing heavy. erg.

Anyhow though. I'm looking forward to this, reading and seeing my baby all scarred up and drawn all over before her surgery to make her look pretty and make sense.

God I really have to vacuume... I really really do. I was told to... I'm going to go vacuume (I've done a few POINTLESS things since I last said that by the way. Like a dream Avi on Gaia. I'm productive MUST BE PRODUCTIVE!)

Ack I'm off to be productive now. Ta all!


Book One's Part One's second draft's first edit is now complete. My god... when I word it like that (not only is it confusing) it shows just how much work we're yet to do -- and how much we've already done.

So I edited 40 pages today. I'm done the entire first half, which counted in at 203 pages, which means I edited about 175 pages over winter break.

That is SIGNIFICANT. Way more than significant, it's SIGNIFICANT -- which incidently is said louder, but with the same emphasis as significant.

And now, I would like to write. I've edited so many blinkin' pages, I kinda feel like I've forgotten how to write new ones. I know I'm not done done... I do have to get started on the second half. But first I'm gonna write. I donno, a chapter, two? Some amount of pages. And I have to buy a new binder.

So Susan, the first half is ready for you whenever. I'll bring it on Thursday for the meeting, but if you want it before then, you can come pick it up, or I could send Chelsea to school with it and have the two of you meet. And maybe trade a binder for a floppy?

But I'm done with writing endeavors for the day... I'm going to try to finish my book this weekend -- yeah, the one I've been reading like all break -- so it's done before I got back to school.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

We we didn't use real tools

There were no physical scissors, like we'd origonally envisioned, but we got the job done. The ONEHUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR pages that were out of order are now in an order. If it is the wrong order I'm sure we'll notice soon, but for now, this should do.

Much more editing to come; I'm happy being so into this.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I'm reaaaaady...

*pulls out scissors and paste*

In other news, I've been reseaching agents and have tracked down the agents of Laurell K Hamilton, Anne Bishop, Jim Butcher, and Jacqueline Carey. I love surfing the net -- I really am quite good at it.

And it gets tougher

Feel accomplised me: I got to the part that I knew was gonna be tougher. No, not that part, not yet. Not the cut-and-paste extravaganza that Susan and I discussed on New Years.

I got the The Three. And I found myself asking "Why, oh why, do we have characters who speak in rhyme?" I am rather a stickler for poetic form. Much as I love a good free verse poem, I get all warm and tingly when there's a really good structured poem in front of me. Sonnets fascinate me -- they're frustrating, but really nifty. I love iambic pentameter, I get excited about heroic couplets.

I'm gonna go back today an re-evaluate the pages I've done of The Three. I was doing it kinda late last night, and I want to make sure they're as good as I can make them. I remember focusing mostly on rhyme (there were improper rhymes... we know how these bother me) and I'd like to take a good look at scan.

I stopped when I reached the prophecy. We've been putting it off, putting it off. I have an idea of what it's supposed to say now, so I think I'm just gonna write the freakin' thing. If Susan doesn't like it, we can talk later. For now, I'm gonna have real issues going past that page with a big orange X over what is perhaps the most crucial part of the book -- neigh, the series.

Hehehe... I'm not used to refering to this as a series, but it so is. "Book One" came from the completed manuscript of what's to become Books 1 - 3, and we'd always known there was gonna be a sequel to that. I'm guessing the whole thing will be at least five or six novels.

And yes, the prophecy is gonna be pretty important to them all. So today I'm focusing on The Three and their prophecy. My page count may be lower today, but I'm trusting the work will be harder.

Incidently, I've done about 100 pages of editing over break so far. That's significant. That was the number I'd had in mind for significant, but was afraid to say -- it felt like lots, and I didn't want to disappoint myself. So I'm going beyond significant; this excites me. I've got another 75 pages or so until I can hand this half over to Susan. I'll so be done by my deadline.

My mom's out at Bingo today and I'm home alone. This should mean good things for my productivity -- I can't exactly be accused of being antisocial. Wow... this is the longest post on this blog for a while... Well I'm off for something to eat, then I'm gonna get started.

Monday, January 02, 2006

I like the sound of that

While yes, I'm all but swamped with the editing, I would like -- really really like -- to be writing again soon. It's been a darn long time since I've actually written Ishalian words. And I've got until Monday with absolutely no homework, then I've got the first week which will mean some (but not too much) reading and most likely no written homework, so for the next couple of weeks I'm good for free-to-write time.

Lol, I'm the good kid and put this on the proper blog.

Busy and Bee-like

Yepp, that's me. I've got a whole hundred pages to edit in a week (and yes, if I can get a head, I will). It really is quite fun. I love the moments of "And... we wrote this..." I gave a few of the major problems not long ago... here's an example. This one cracked me up. I was able to figure out what was meant, but it was just baaad. The sentence ended up being cut all together.

Laleena was intrigued who could this wise women was.

I believe I have to take responsibility for that. It's in a section that I'm fairly sure I wrote. But I mean really!!

Well I'm off to edit and whatnots.

Oooh PS -- the 3-day novel results will be posted on Thursday.