Writing on writing

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I everything I do

I everything i do today, in everything I am, I am preparing myself for endevours of the literary variety.

There is much to be done, and it is certain that it will not end or even begin happily. While bethie edits I am trapped in torrid events of proportions that are beyond me. Laleen she be run through the wringer and Taryne shall reign terror in her pursuites to gain steady access to the world beyond and to reap havoc on their way of life as she tries to assume the position of empress over many realms. Taryne's becoming a Roman.

We will have a desolate Fraser, Baling and Nenan. The mind of a child a loyalist and a lover. WE will have ample child abuse and sexual ravishment. We will have trama induced amnesia. Oh boy are we going to be having some fun.

Oh oh oh, I asked my doctor about the nipple thing. Poor Laleena. He even wrote me notes... it seems that he has run into such an issue in his practise, a woman who was a patient of his had that very thing happen. Her nipple torn off by her boyfriend in a fit of passion. Dear - Lord... owie. But now I know exactly what happens, and that my doctor is more then happy to give me consults whenever I want them all I have to do is book an appointment and show up. YAY!

I won't go into what happens here, but I feel properly informed on the subject now and am thus happy.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I'm letting them churn a bit, i had no time today, nor will i tomorrow, but hopefully tuesday will be posatively splendid!

Bethie is so damned cute, I love that she is loveing this. I'm always more into it when she's into it, it's like fighting a force of nature when she's sad, or mellow, or not inspired.

I'm an idiot, but I fixed it

I'm sitting there this morning, edditing that which I printed up last night, and I keep finding myself thinking "Didn't we fix this part for the last contest entry?"... and "I could have sworn we'd re-worded that..."

Even though Susan asked me like twice if I was sure I had the "Spiffy new first chapter," I neglected to be completely sure. It wasn't until I reached "With out asking a plate of fruit, ..." that I knew I'd screwed up. It's okay though. It got me started, I have a method. I know what I'm doing now. I printed up the revised first part, and it's all good. I'm also going through the contest entries with the judges marks on it in tandem with my own edits.

It meant I did some superfluous editing, but ultimately, I don't mind. It's all good. I'm rather enjoying the experience actually. Don't know if I'll be saying that 200 pages from now, but at the moment, I'm rather enjoying it.

To Suse: Get started on book 2 whenever you like. Feel no obligation to get uber far into though -- by no means to I expect you to take it on for the entire time I'm editing. Write what you want and pass it on to me. I'll put the edit on hold and make some pages. I mean really, a week or so to spit out like 15 pages won't hurt the edit significantly. Take your time, and pass it over when you're ready. I'm excited about this book thing in general -- I'm in such an author mood lately!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Printin' up the baby...

Just printed the first 91 pages of ... um ... whatever it's called now. The first Ishalia book. Or Laleena book. Or ... I donno... Chronicles of the Misted Isle or whatever it is we eventually decide to name this thing (The origonal title, Avatar's Crown, no longer applies, as we make no mention of avatars, and competition for the crown is only introduced... so nope.)

This blog is weird. Some of it, I write purely for Susan's benefit. Other times, like the paragraph above, are written as if there is anyone else out there who would by chance stumble up this place and read it. Odd.

So I guess 91 pages should be enough to get me started... it takes me to where Laleena finds out she's pregnant. It was a chapter end, that's why the random number. I'm so excited about this. The editing process that is. I'm debating whether I should start tonight, or wait until morning. I'm approaching sleepy, so it may end up being that latter.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

And why not?

Lol, sure my juices roll... maybe they were cans of concentrated orange juice... or... popsicles.... or... round...

See below

Juices roll?


Mmm words...

Kinda like "Mmm cookies..." is what I'm thinking. I've been rather in the appreciation of literature lately, especially the kind that is written by my chraming writing partner and myself. Oh, and those great people who write quality fantasy. Yay Jim Butcher.

First there was the three-day novel contest. It forced juices to be rolling, was a great experience, and was the cause of over 30000 words in limited hours. It was kinda draining though, and didn't make one pounce on other projects. However, it did allow me to be past that roadblock, and left space for me to read chapter 21. I read it, liked it, and then did homework. Yeah, not the response I expected either. There was all this excitement when I knew that it was done, so I guess when I actually read that it was done, it was rather anticlimactic.

There there was the Dire World of Perrinwold. Suffice to say I was basically awed. I meantined that it reminded me of the feel of the Gordon Gross stories, it also reminded me of a story I read somewhere about an orange tree... and a family curse, and a little girl that died? Or something... I donno. I just remembered that. Anyway, this inspired me to return to the "romance novel" that was started in July. It had been left for so long that I couldn't write it, so I read like half of it so I could eventually start again where I left off. At over 38000 words, it would seem rather a shame never to finish it.

Then, while on the phone with Susan, we did the chapter 21 debrief. It's something we always do after having read a chapter, get the thoughts and impressions from the other writer, sort out little issues that arise regarding detailing, character, whatever. This got me back on the Ishalian bandwagon, and I'm now all psyched again to get editing.

So that is why the world seems "Mmm words..." I have to get ready for school now.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Yay us!

Well I only "edited" the first half or so of mine. Caught a couple 'he's that should have been 'she's, and 'the's that meant the be 'they's and the like. Oh and once I just missed the word head "Her was resting on his shoulder." Yupp, good sentence Beth.

There is a definate tone switch about halfway through mine. It goes from sappy/sad to deep. I'm talking the great pattern that outlines all that there is in life. I really liked writing the end though. I'm glad I made the switch, otherwise the end would have gotten tedious, I just hope it isn't too violent a switch.

On of my favourite characters ended up being Siter Catherine, a young Sister... I really liked writing them. What were some of the terms I used to describe them? Rogue nuns, Amazon nuns, "crazy mystic people," yeah there were some fun ones. One of my favourite lines was in reference to Sister Catherine, it's one of those ones that for some reason the author really loves and everyone else thinks is just kinda nice.

" 'You make a terrible nun,' he said, pouting."

I think it's because when I wrote it I totally saw him and heard him saying it. I cracked up laughing.

I am definately excited to read Susans.

~ Note the disgusting time by the way. Eew.... what was I thinking looking forward to University??

Monday, September 05, 2005


done done done done done. No i'm not editing, nope nope nope, that's it i'm done done done! it went well although then end might be a bit rushed due to numb bum, but i think i make up for that with a really intense finale scene (before the ending) with a stalker, a copied key and a hotplate. :D

it's better then the other one.

It's 95 pages. I am so tired. It took everything i had to keep pushing myself forwards "come one girl keep going" i'd have to tell myself, and then do it.

I now have about 10 water bottle carcasses on my bedroom floor, and I have heard the 1st nelly furtado cd too many times.

It was really bad when i had to switch to christmas music. Then right after that, Evenescence.

Still not done

But i feel that it will be a bit less then beth's.

I am at 88pgs.

I had to stop for dinner.

Now i have to go write again.

Takes a Bow

Expiry Date, my 3-day novel contest entry is complete.

In the formatting that I was using and reporting in all weekend, I finished at 85 pages. I reformatted it to how it will be when I print it (Times New Roman, size 12, Double Spacing) and it ended up at 105 pages. I'm all done, at 30 105 words.

I'm going to spend the next bit of the night doing some editting, then this baby is done and ready to be judged.

She tells me to vacuume

I come out here for a moment and she tells me to vacuume. "Mom i'm out here for like two minutes,"

"oh" clearly she's beginning to miss my slave labour.

I am on page 84 (just starting) and going "owie owie owie" I have now written twentie pages today. If i wanted to do thirty i wouldn't be far off, I just want to finish off the book is all, and I don't know how long that will take. I have five hours to do so in.

Can she do it? Yes she can! I am hoping that i can get a decent sleep but that seems... unlikely. Well i should be going now, (I managed quite a few pages in an hour, i'm hoping to keep that rate up.)

At a really intense part now.

My Longer Break

I get a longer break now, I had had lunch and now I have almost 17 pages written today. I was going to stop at 15 to rest and stuff, but I was getting into what I was doing and now I am done. I could have continued but that would have made it hard to start again.

I'm thinking that the christmas scene won't last as long as I thought it would but that's ok because already I have about 5 more pages of work then I thought I would and am probably about to get one or two more added to the mix. This is going to be cool. Office party over and then time to go to the parents place

ooo ooo oo I just got this really cool image in my head, I"ll have to hold onto that for furture referance.

My ass hurts so much, I think it may fall off, which will look really wierd...

Nelly Furtado is STILL singing but i think she may have to trade with "A Very Special Christmas" for the next part and for a trade.


Since my last post I took like a half hour break for lunch and sat down to write. That was almost two and a half hours ago. So minus lunch time, and I was writing for two hours in which I got a resounding four pages.

They were hard to write. I'm past the tough stuff and on page 74... I'm begining to wonder if I'm even going to hit 90. I think I'm definately going to have to insert that scene I mentioned.

Yay happy ending

I've been trying to keep from going on here. I too am happier with what's happening. I am now embarking on page 74 which means I've written exactly 10 pages since last night, I have now also written more then i did last year... i think.

I realized that last year I had written in double spacing not 1.5 whoops.

Don't worry beth i don't think i'll be getting to page 100 either, 90 something is terribly promising though now that i have my plot all blocked out and how many pages i think i could devote to each. Yay for planning. As i am almost halfway through my days page count (1/3 isn't bad) i realise that i am almost 1/2 way through my assigned writing list YAY me.

Well this is enough of a break, i get a real one at 15pgs, but for now i get lunch - or the stomach kills.

I'm gonna win this contest

According to the "Survival Guide" day three is supposed to be the Attack of the Doubts. Nope, that was so yesterday. Today I'm doing so much better, I like my book so much more. I'm gaining confidence rather than losing it.

Okay, I don't actually think I'm going to win, I never have, but I do think it's turning out okay.

I don't think I'm going to reach 100 pages though. I just finished page 70 and I don't think I have 30 pages left of story. There is one scene I'm considering inserting quite a few pages back, I haven't decided.

I'm gonna have my happy ending, I'm so excited. It's gonna seem like a sad ending, I'm still hoping for my tear inducing end, but then, just at it seems like all hope is lost -- poof! It's all okay.

I pushed and I pushed

And I made through page 63 so that I may embark on 64 this morning. I am so tired, I don't want to and yet i need to so i shall.

Nothing like tomorrow I shall percervere there will be no more big stalls, because yesterday was really sad. I have to finish, that's that.


My wrists are sore, my back aches, and my fingers are cramped. I've hit 60, but I want to keep going if I can.

I think I may have my happy ending afterall. I'm on page 60 and most of the way through chapter four. Either these last chapers are going to be really long, or I'm going to have to insert some random ones (like 1032).

Oh the pain... and I'm tired too.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Needed a break

21,024 words, something like 57 or 58 pages. I'm so close to bed time and yet so far, if i still have juice in me I'm continuing till i pass out.

I had to have a break I think my butt is going to fall off. this will probably be the last time i post tonight till i go to bed.

It's been really rough, proven by the fact that gwen has been singing for a good hour or longer, the same song over and over.

Always happy to oblige.

Seems she'll catch up to me rather quickely. My god, I know where I'm going but i'm at another "and we're filling in pages" part now. I've been avoiding this all day.

I've decided that i'm not allowed to sleep till the 60 page mark, i'm really trying for 68 so that i can match the number of pages done yesterday, 64 so that i can do 30... if i only do up to 60 i'm at the 26 pages place. not cool.

I am currently embarking on 53. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'm never going to get to sleep.


Very quick

I am doing much better. God I love talking to Susan about writing. So much of the stuff going on inthe back of my head came out, now i know where i'm going and the whole thing is getting very much more interesting. I wrote like four pages in half an hour (which is better than i've done all weekend)

I just did a whole whack of research which worked out very nicely for me.
I'm ready to keep going.

This is good.

At the 15 page mark

That means I'm half way through now, half way through my days aspired page count. This means I am on page 49. The stalker thing just go serious, which is good because I am now about at the 1/2 way mark for the book itself.

I think my ass is numb.

I may have to do research now... not cool.

Nelly Furtado will not shut up but i can't shut her up b/c if i do then evils will ensue.

Ha... ha... ha...

You were on page 46 an hour and a half ago. I'm now on page 44. Someone without fingers could write this novel faster than I am writing it.

Darling no worries

You've probably caught up to me considerably now, I'm only on page 46 at the moment and while I'm not stuck I'm weary. Rowan is ranting at the moment and I'm not sure for how much longer. She is revealing the ultimate theme of the book though, so you know- it's an important rant.

I had to stop to shower and think, and brush my teeth. The smell and feeling was beginning to become a bit much for me, so I had to fix it.

The writing itself is becoming better, i feel that, and I think it's because I'm not as stop and start as I once was and have a vague idea of where I'm going. I am worried though because much like how i didn't have an idea of where I was going with the beginning I'm very unsure of the end.

I know that she will get the guy, but probably reject him, that her and Rowan will do well - that she may have to move back in with her parents, or get a dorm... or something i don't know. That one guy is going to be sent to jail pending a trial date, and that things with her sister are going to be tense but ok. I'm unsure about the mark situ, whether he'll just fade out from here, or if he's going to - i don't know. i'm unsure about the end, so tomorrow is going to be difficult. My goal today is page 64-70. probably not 70, but we'll see.

Oh good

As long as I'm close to where Susan is, I won't panic too much. I'm on page 38, and no, I didn't write anymore after my last post last night either.

I was able finally to use that bit I wrote prematurely. I like how it reads a lot better right now.

I was approaching panic mode, because I was sure that I had fallen terribly behind... so I'm not doing too bad then. Still behind Suse though... hmm.

Not so bad but i slept in

I didn't write any more after my 34 pages last night, but I do know pretty much everything that happens after this so that's ok. I'm on page 39 now, which is nice, you see i didn't really start writing again until about 11 because I didn't get up till about 10:50ish, most tragic, but again since things are rolling it's not so bad on account of the fact that I know what I'm doing and shouldn't have any more of those hour long "uuuuuuuuuh" moments, which were a definite hole in my progress the other day.

I'm going to do a resounding "YAY EXOSITION!" with beth right now, I've just written a couple pages of dialogue and exposition intertwined and I think it's making the book a bit better for it, YAY! We needed to see a bit more of Cassie, I've kind of been keeping the real her quiet of late...

I've got to get her thinking about her sister though, or that little sub plot is going to go all to hell, although things always seem farther away then they really are, that was only a few pages ago, not that many to tell ya the truth.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Plot Shmlot

I don't have a lot of plot happening in mine. This doesn't particulary bother me... there's lots of character stuff. It is becoming pretty sappy. After talking to Susie (I'm so glad we finally were able to do that by the way, it really cleared my head,) I decided I really needed to come up with a funny scene. Something to induce a laugh rather than an "awww". So I introduced Jeff, Liam's friend who I'd mentioned before, and made one of those "nice but not too bright" guys. He was amusing. I ended the part I just wrote on a happy "awww" and when I get back in there after a break, I'm gonna write a sad type "awww".

I hit thirty too! Thirty, plus the scene I'm pushing up to later in the novel. So in total I have like thirty two pages written, and lots of the stuff I just did was more exposition than I'd had in a while. I'm starting to get tired though, so I don't know how much more I'll get in tonight. I'm not done quite yet though.

A success of a day

I've made it to page 34, I had had page 30 in mind, this is very happy. I may get further tonight (tonight being before bed) If I get to page 40 then I will have made it to the schedule I had had in mind. So let's cross our fingers and hope real hard k? I mean, ok, the likelyhood that I'll make 40 is slim, but again, I can hope, I did have a nap today after all, that's got to give me a few hours (hour) time right?

We're finally finding ourselves in the thick of the plot, this makes me happy and ready to dance *dances* I have an idea of what I'm doing for some time now. This makes me ecceedingly pleased.

Now I'm going to go off and write some more, joy joy joy!


Yes, I am turning on the phone. But you've really only got like one hour windows or so until it's off again (it's on now by the way, but not last time I posted.)

I guess so... about the pages that is. I would feel just a little bit more comfy if I were going just a little bit faster. I just finished a scene that I like, but I think I have to move. Doing one of those "writer things" where a scene needs to be moved to a different place in order to be good. I don't generally like doing, that -- I prefer to go linear, but there is one scene I definately wanted in here before this one, and the one that comes after the one I just wrote can't be too close to the one I meant to write but didn't. If that makes any sense.

Are your pages formatted as manuscript? Mine are. I'm going at 1.5 spacing, in some font I don't remember, but think is easy to write it. I'll probably change the font to times when I'm done. I'm at 9220 words, to give you a better comparative view of where I am.

And yes, I'm still writing to Celine Doin.

I'm stopping now to make dinner and regroup so that phone will be on for a while. [edit]: It's 8:37... phone about to be turned off for a while...

This is Really Creepy

I understand exactly what you mean beth. I too am embarking on page 22 (I'm two sentances into it). I stayed up till about 2am last night and woke up at about 9am, I was really really tired for some time so I took a nap at about 3:40 - 4:50.

The reason you are going so slowely is because you know you have awhile to write it in, and if you went rather fast it would be like BANG. It's easy to go rather fast with laleena because she is the sort of novel that allows that to happen, these things are not.

I was really happy to see you were going about the same rate as me. made me feel a little better. And are you failing to turn your phone on? I've phoned it pleanty today and everytime it's been off. I phoned you around the time you blogged too.

30-35 is my goal as well

checked the blog again, and you were checking a fact... still... i'm wondering.

Still slow...

Only on page 22... I want to hit 35 before I go to bed tonight...

And I'm still listening to CĂ©line Dion.

Just on computer to check a fact. Back to writing now.

Slow start

My plot is going exactly where I knew it would be going -- no surprises yet. I'm only on page 12 though, so I'm a little worried about that. I too was pretty tired last night. I'm averagine 3 pages an hour, which is definately not my best.

My biggest surprise so far: my music choice... this is being written to Celine Dion!!

Has started...

I've started, I have characters and the beginning of plots and sub plots. I'm well connected with my main character, and some of her friends as well. there's just one thing bothering me, and that's that little thing called a plot. I have it, but my fingers are rejecting it.

I'm on page 8 though, which is something, though I could be doing a little better, the only thing is, I was very tired last night and needed to rest, so I got up at nine (on my own, no alarm) and wrote a few pages, then pandered about a bit.

I think what it is, is that none of my "first thought of" events have yet to happen. That may be it, because I know when I hit one of them, the fingers will fly. Until that moment/moments though, things do go slowely.

whatcha waitin watcha waitin watcha waiting foooor? Tick tock tick tock tick tock.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Start so soon!

I am soooo excited to do this. I really can't wait. Susan and I had an awesome time going to sign up, and ate some good food too.

I'm gonna be popping in here fairly frequently this weekend for updates and the like.

Susan: If you wanna talk to me, call my cell. If I'm open to recieving calls, it'll be turned on. If I'm not, it will be off. I figure there will be quite a few times where I'm open to chatting... whether it co-incides with your free times is another matter -- I can't imagine I'll be on msn though... excess typing, no thanks.

*shudders with excitement*

Thursday, September 01, 2005

quick ideas so that i do'nt forget

Cassie - works as a telemarketer, red head, shy but loud, moved out recently, it's almost christmas, sister is a lesbian, big shocking moment at the end when that comes out

sister (aretha) - got the whacked out name because mother was having a revenge moment against mother in law, has come to despise motown. lesbian, catch her going at it by accident with gf, announces said fact at christmas dinner.

John - not sure if stalker or bf for awhile, or exbf, will look into that later.

Am unsure of plot - either it is about cassie becoming self reliant, or it is about her crazy yet amusing stalker situation that turns scary - both. Or something else entirely that I shall think of tomorrow.