Writing on writing

Monday, September 01, 2008

Fifth annual go at the 3day--day 3


I am about to set off on the last 10000 words. Of course, it need not be that many, though it'd be nifty if I could hit it. I've got to close up some ends, make some points, etc. I was not otherwise inspired last night towards anything other than a bath, a glass of some of the best white wine ever, and copius fluff-reading. I think it was inspiring at least, and my wrists thanked me.

I've many a Chinese pastery left over, and think that perhaps they are turning my stomach to liquid. Hm.

11:41 25.2%

I was going to post to gloat earlier about how I was even ahead of my word count yesterday, but instead my internet was shut down by a daddy who was reinstalling his anti-virus. Very inopportune time that. But I'm ahead of the game at the moment, which is good. Time for my quarter way through break. I seriously need a stretch. No joke. Everything is starting to get sore.

12:49 40%

Just wrote about lice. Everything itches now. There is so much about my novel that is gross.

1:36 55.5%

The last stretch after a break. I know exactly what I'll be writing, about what, and how I want it all to come together *sigh*. Noodles... I need noodles.

2:57 66.2%

I think I'll probably go to about 28000 this year, progress is going well. I'm just feeling really finished right about now. 10 000 words a day is sometimes just a bit much.

3:22 90.5% of my pre-ordained total is completed. I probably won't reach the magic 30000 though. Just don't think it's going to be done.

3:57 100%/94.4%

I am done. Done done done. You hear me? DONE FOR ANOTHER YEAR!

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
28,307 / 30,000
