Writing on writing

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Bethany still hasn't told me about our rejections. Kind of amusing. That does supremely suck that we were rejected by five. Time to look over the work again.

I wish we could go out to more conferences. I just really think that would probably help. Well we must persist.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Publishing update


So since this blog was last updated we've recieved two more rejection letters. I got the last only today and I haven't actually told Susan about it yet.

This means that we sent out five queries and got five rejections. It all happened pretty quick. They were all form letters, with not a single personalized comment. It's nothing less than we expected, but it still kinda sucks, you know?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dum de dum

I was having my Ishalia craving and now it is sated - well the reading part. I have some comments for Bethie of course, but for now I am mulling.

I loved her work, but as us writers are most of the time -- at least when adement -- crap is crap. I've told Bethie before "This is crap" she just kinda gave me a look, she agreed. Now I must agree with her crap. It wasn't that great. Not the crappiest crap, but we can do better.

It's a we because more and more I'm realizing that this isn't "collaberative" in the sense that it's two people one story, its one complete idea using two people.

We need much publishing ya?

Three rejections and more to come.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

If I'd had a drink

If I'd had a beverage that would have been spew alert worthy.

Unfortunately for my sence of bethany's self esteem I can't get all grumbly and tell her she's a twit.

I can't do it.

Not because I have no faith in her writing abilities, that's certainly not it at all, but simply because I've been there, and I've done exactly that. You think you have more to say, you can see more in the glimmering future, buuuuut... You don't have anything more to say. That's how it works with this peice, sometimes the muse gets aggressive. "YOU! You, what are you still doing writing kid? It's time to move one. Pass it on lovey pass on the love."

It's just how it works. I may not have articulated that pain as well as Beth did two posts down, but I've been there, and felt that pain. Especially with this book... I don't know what it is about this book, but the cut offs for "Thou shalt write no more" are sudden and rather abrubpt. If I'm left mid-sentance I'll understand.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I can't do it!! I cannot string together words and be happy with the result!!

I've done just over a page, and it's crap. I kinda know where I want it to go, but so far the path I've taken to get there is crap. It's not entertaining, it's boring, it flows awkwardly, and it might even be confusing. It's crap.

I tried to write an angsty poem for my poetry blog about the crap and couldn't get more than two lines without that too being crap.

I'm going to bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll write some non-crap.


I'm pathetic, leave me be

Okay, so I can't say I haven't written anything yet. I've written a whole 293 words. Yup, that's about two and a half paragraphs. I stopped mid-sentence. Now I'm going to make dinner. At nine, I am going to watch Reba. After Reba (9:30 or 10:00 depending on whether I've seen the second episode) I will watch the CSI episode that was on Thursday night.

Then I'll write some more.

I really really really need to get this to Susan. No matter what, she will have it next week, at the first time I see her. That might be Tuesday, or it might not be till Wednesday, but she will have it. I will probably stop mid scene as she did for me. My last sentence might be "Either you will have sex with me, or I will kill your brother." But that's just my head space at the moment. That might well change.

It took me way too long to write not even 300 hundred words.

*looks up*

Well evidently I can still write in sentences.