Writing on writing

Friday, December 30, 2005

Motivation works wonders

Bring up that P-word often enough, and I have enough motivation to give me talents comperable to an old fashioned steam engine.

Got another 20 pages edited last night.

Still not significant. Lol, I'll let you know when it is. Promise.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Last Night

I wrote. Then I chastised myself for not having done so for so long. "Myself" I said "You want to make a career out of this and you've been doing what with it? What but simple fantasizing, it's not going to up and publish itself you've got to get to work." So with that said I'm going to try and work this a little more often. I mean it can be done. I know I say this and then get into a fit of writing but really there always is a good reason for breaking my habits... the problem is once broken they're really hard to put back together. Thus I shall try...

I got about two pages done, maybe three, but I also read and caught myself up. I like where it's going and I've put all three plots/sub plots into motion. Cheers to better writing. I love you all muchly and I'm out of here! :D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

An addition

To add to that list of common mistakes:
  • There are a damn lot of rhetorical questions in the exposition
  • Way too many elipses...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Are they a significant amount? Well not yet. But I'm getting there. I've done about 40 pages in the last two days. I'm at the start of chapter 6. These past days I've gotten from Laleena stealing a horse, to Taryne meeting Darsby after she sets fire to a city.

There have been some parts that are just bad. Others I've only been fixing grammar and stuff. Some common errors:

  • we hadn't yet learned of the "comma splice" and they're freakin' everywhere. Actually, commas are misused all over the place
  • we started lots of sentences with "And," "But," and "Of course,"
  • -things (not people's names) that should be capitalized almost never are -- ie "North," "Raven's Dock," "The World Beyond."
  • There has been some really awkward phrasing that's made me giggle.

On the bright side, I'm getting right into it. I'm confident that we've got an interesting story developing. It starts out a little slow maybe, but there's stuff happening.

I'm gonna keep going -- I'm not nearly ready to slow down yet. I am afraid of being accused of anti-socail tendancies though...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Fire

I want the fire back Every time I hear that term used I think of that stupid Buffy musical.

OK so here's the deal, I have a lot of stuff to do, a lot of stuff that involves words. I'm going to do a list and Bethie's going to roll her eyes.

  1. F-ing book two, damned thing... Whatever, it'll happen. I have chapter two on the go and the writing I think is good... then again I haven't read it over for some time.
  2. A one act play draft for the beginning of January (but an idea struck last night so it's not nearly as daughnting.)
  3. Mini scholarships for the Millenium award, some I can use from the morhead, some i have to rewrite. As well some awards things like that essay the justice award, and a couple others - oh yeah the toyota one adn the cowboy one. So I have a few things to do, all in one bullet.
  4. I'm thinking of doing a poem for Robyn, but that'll take so much effort. Make her happy though. Her and I were joking about it, so I may yet do it ;) wouldn't that just fuck her up?
  5. Whatever completely random thing throws itself at my feet (must look into publishing Perrinwold)

So those are the things I need to do in the way of writing using my words or whatever you want to call it. I hope I can knock it all off sooner then later.