I did two pages today. Susie read me what she wrote for Taryne. It was brief and didn't really fit the new plans we came up for her. I hate to do it 'cause it was a decent piece, but it looks like it will be dropped. I don't like deleting stuff that was done for the edit. So having my base I felt able to start. I did two pages. They aren't amazing pages, in fact not a lot happens in them, but they are pages. And once pages begin, pages will continue.
I am excited about Taryne. I was doing some back reading to catch up on a couple characters we introduced in the edit. One major goal of the edit was to give character to Taryne - this includes motive, logic, basic things like acqauintences. We had only a rough idea of who Taryne was when we began and as the manuscript was written that idea was morphed more than once and we end up with the life cycle of a Taryne. Much of what she did was rediculously spontaneous, resulting from "'cause I can" or "I was bored" as frequent motives. She was practically a singular entity with no friends or aquaintences execpt Dierdre and Darsby both of whom she becomes closly aquainted to in the period of the novel. That is to say that before them she had no friends. That is insane. And so her friends Fiona and Fallen are born.
During my back read I stumbled upon one of the last extended Taryne bits I wrote. It was chapter 12 I believe when I did a Taryne/Laleena bit where I got to show a little bit of her psycho manipulative side. It is one of the parts of which I am most proud of that came exclusively from the edit. I should have some oppertunity here to show some prowess with Taryne on her home base. It will be fun to write.
All that's come so far is some interaction between Taryne and her squirell. Things are about to get interesting though so I anticipate some frantic fingers.
The cousins didn't come today so writing in my room wasn't an issue. It will be soon but I will deal with that when it comes. I'm glad I got startred before they came though, or else I may have deemed it too difficult to work and have postponed till they left. However, after they leave I do my room and I would have ended up postponed until school startes. That would have sucked. I hope to get into a decent groove. Things get done when I find a groove.