Writing on writing

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ah hem

Ah hem hem hem... Now that that is done.

Wrote some good things the other day another two and a half pages, which I am pretty sure I have not discussed. Our dear ignorant laleena get's "the talk" poor dear to quote, "I don't even know how one would go about being intimate with a man," jeez louise and this girl is pregnant! Imaculate conception is fun, or as my father calls it, imaculate deception.

Lala la la la. I've been dwelling in the world of the published again. On remarks that our book would bring about should we be published that is. Sometimes I wonder if this particulare stint would get us angry letters from crazed christians, but then I think not they have better things to concern themselves with, you know the anti-christ, and the second coming and all.

the little contest I'm entering is drawing ever closer and I fear for my fingurs, and my stereo system. Both will most likely be worn out by the end of this contest. Those and my wrists. Maybe I should give those poor guys a break. *Pout, for the wrists*. well I'm going to go play runescape, wish me cyber luck!

Taryne is progressing

I wrote another two pages last night. Yes folks, that brings this Taryne part up to four whole pages. I started at midnight which was kinda silly as I only had juice to last till about one. If I'd started earlier I likely could have gone longer. I find I'm really enjoying put the writing process down in words here. It helps me to articulate my writing goals and forces me to reflect on what I've just written. It is also a place where I can see Susan's reamblings and her mine, and this will help us make sure we stay on the same page. She hasn't posted for a while but she has written some Laleena.

So I'm four pages in and I still haven't introduced the major conflict that this part is leading up too. This is good. That means a) I'm not rushing through things and b) this part may have some length.

It should be known that writing Taryne is, for both of us, often quite an adventure. Stuff comes out that we don't plan and don't realize is happening until we're half way through writing it. So far she hasn't brought any surprises but I hope she does. Unconscious flow of words is often well written.

I don't know what time Suse is coming over today but it may mean I don't get much of a chance to write. Oh note the quote up top... Bethie figured out html. I am always so proud of me when that happens.


i just did a rather long blog and I think blogger ate it. I therefore am not going to write a great deal just now. I read Susie's Fraser part today (finally!) and I am pleased to say that I really enjoyed it. I really knew pretty much most of what was going to happen, (though there were a few pleasent surprises) but I still found myself enjoying the read.

I am going to try to write now, I'll post more in the morning.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Taryne is begun

I did two pages today. Susie read me what she wrote for Taryne. It was brief and didn't really fit the new plans we came up for her. I hate to do it 'cause it was a decent piece, but it looks like it will be dropped. I don't like deleting stuff that was done for the edit. So having my base I felt able to start. I did two pages. They aren't amazing pages, in fact not a lot happens in them, but they are pages. And once pages begin, pages will continue.

I am excited about Taryne. I was doing some back reading to catch up on a couple characters we introduced in the edit. One major goal of the edit was to give character to Taryne - this includes motive, logic, basic things like acqauintences. We had only a rough idea of who Taryne was when we began and as the manuscript was written that idea was morphed more than once and we end up with the life cycle of a Taryne. Much of what she did was rediculously spontaneous, resulting from "'cause I can" or "I was bored" as frequent motives. She was practically a singular entity with no friends or aquaintences execpt Dierdre and Darsby both of whom she becomes closly aquainted to in the period of the novel. That is to say that before them she had no friends. That is insane. And so her friends Fiona and Fallen are born.

During my back read I stumbled upon one of the last extended Taryne bits I wrote. It was chapter 12 I believe when I did a Taryne/Laleena bit where I got to show a little bit of her psycho manipulative side. It is one of the parts of which I am most proud of that came exclusively from the edit. I should have some oppertunity here to show some prowess with Taryne on her home base. It will be fun to write.

All that's come so far is some interaction between Taryne and her squirell. Things are about to get interesting though so I anticipate some frantic fingers.

The cousins didn't come today so writing in my room wasn't an issue. It will be soon but I will deal with that when it comes. I'm glad I got startred before they came though, or else I may have deemed it too difficult to work and have postponed till they left. However, after they leave I do my room and I would have ended up postponed until school startes. That would have sucked. I hope to get into a decent groove. Things get done when I find a groove.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Oh but I would like to

Man oh man that writing contest looks like fun. A three day marathon of writing, to create a novel in the span of one long weekend, would be insane and crazilly enjoyable beyond belief. I would really really really like to give it a go and I don't think it would bother me a great deal to lose. The experience alone would be... amazing.

Alas I have a prior commitment with my bedroom and a can of paint. I'll be damned if next year I give this one up. Labourday weekend of 2005 already has plans. Sad but true.

I guess all I can do is wish Susie luck and hope she has a blast. I can't wait to read what she comes up with. We'll remember this one though.

This is crazy

My mom has decided that I am going otenroll myself in a three day novel writing contest, if youlive in vancouver you should know what this is about this is the marathon of writing contests. My bethie would like to write it but she is busy doing her room. The eventful yet deadly day after words should be fun.

last night I was attacked by the insperations. So Laleena got written it is my first start on her for quite some time. My god it has been a long time. It felt nice to write some one with out knowing that indeed I'm going to be writing (forever) the smae character.

This contest though I think it will probably be first person. It's going to be cool gotta think about it though what will it be about. what will I write, how... How! Well I won't think about that right now I'll be happy. happy with the fact that my mom is paying my entry fee.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Technology is against me

Susie gave me the disk with the chapter 15/16 Fraser on it. I cannot get the file open. I tried another disk which opened just fine, I was even able to open "chapter 13" which was saved on the same disk. I have chapter 13. It doesn't do me a lot of good. It says that the file name or path is not valid. I really want to see her work.

In theory I could do my Taryne part without having read the Fraser but there is apparently a little bit of Taryne in there too. I have to read that part before I can start writing her. Sigh. I'll probably give Susie a blank disk and just try it again. It just looks like only that file won't work so maybe if we try again... She can't e-mail it either because of disagreeing technology on her end. The world hates us.

If I were to take a leap of faith and start Taryne based on the outline of what was written that Susan provided me with, I wouldn't know where to begin. Like physically where to write. The computer in my room will be dismantled soon to re-do my bedroom. But to do it in the living room is... inconvienent if not impossible. I guess it will have to be my room and hope for the best.

There is a little bit of questionable plot in what I am about to write. I have to come up with a problem. I have a couple going through my mind based on what Suse and I talked about on the bus today and many are both plausible and interesting enough to be book worthy. Just a matter of picking one or making a new one. I can start writing without knowing that part though. That was the origonal plan anyhow, start writing and have the fingers figure that one out. But then I decided to consult Susan 'cause it looks like this could be a fairly important bit we're just throwing in there. It may, and hopfully will, serve to provide a motive for an action that occurs later that happened for virtually no logical reason.

So many complications... mostly techie based. If my only issue was plot devices I'd be thrilled. That is a problem I literally take joy out of solving. Technology that hates me is... unpleasant.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I was tired.

So I'll be working on Taryne for sure. I wanted to do it yesterday but I was too tired. In fact I was going to blog to tell you how I was too tired, but I was too tired to tell you I was too tired. In a period of roughly 38 hours, I got five hours of sleep. I've also not gotten a chance to read the stuff Susie got to me, which infuriates me 'cause I know she was writing like mad to get it done. I really want to.

Taryne's starting to go a little nuts inside my little mind. What started as a vague idea is now developing details and some phrases to uncorported. Dialogue is invading my mind. It makes me feel somewhat schizophrenic. I still don't really know what is going to happen, what the climax of the secen will be et cetera et cetera... but I know how it will begin and I'm hoping that that will be enough to go with. Today I'm spending five hours in a hair salon so I don't know how much will get done. I really want to get at it.

Monday, August 23, 2004

So I'm a little tired

Hello hello all. I'm a little tired but not very so this is this. I wrote about three pages of material the other day very lovely. Did some fine tuning and all that jazz. There was lots of that to do as as you know I had a bit of an issue when it came to remembering about a little part that I forgot. well I have a life today so I must go. Loce you all later ciao.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Meet the cast

Well as Susie has made the first step to introduce characters, I'll do a brief intro for some of the mains. Laleena - Protagonist, not too bright, younger Princess of Ishalia. Taryne - Antagonist, also not a genius, elder Princess of Ishalia. Fraser - Sailor, love of Laleena. Darsby - Bumbling lordling, ends up married to Taryne. Dierdre - Albino talking squirell, Taryne's pet. Susie mentioned Celeste below. Regular readers of this blog will inevitably become much more intimate with these characters as we discuss their actions. For now, that should do. We should also mention something of our writing style, as in how we are co-authors and are thus sharing the work, but that can come later.

Suse is almost done with her Fraser bit. It became, somehow, a partial Celeste part as well. I do not think that any Taryne has inched into her work. Taryne hasn't been written yet in our mega chapter thing we're tackling now. We can't exactly ignore her for up to fifty pages. I'm thinking I'm ready to give her a go. The major problem is there isn't anything that she has to be doing right now. At least nothing was happening with her in the origonal manuscript. I've got enought of an idea what to write so as to get me started and I must rely on my fingers from there. If I can squeese 5-10 pages out of her, I'll be happy. I'll double check with Susie before I start, but I do think that Taryne will be my next little project. We may have to collaborate or something on it.

And the rain has come

Literally a figurativly. two weeks of writing celebacy is OFFICIALLY over. I wrote three paes or something to that effect yesterday. It was beautiful the only problem (if you can call it a problem) is that my fingures wrote words that I didn't know they were going to write again. Very good words but a suprise still. I love it when I'm writing and my music plays accordingly. It was going like that last night. You get somewhere intense and wow there goes the music, in the imortal words of marth it is a good thing. I even wrote a character who I wasn't focussing on at the time. Celeste she's my unwilling immortal sorccerous. She didn't choose imortallity. but I have her going pre-stalker right now and it is kind of creepy. Then I wrote this whole battle in side of one of my character's souls literally it was pretty cool.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

The other one arrives...

Well hello-hello. I just looked at the blog and think it looks great. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bethany and the co-author of the novel that Susan was talking about rather vaguely just a moment ago. I am thrilled to have a writing blog up and running. My other blog is about my life. Writing is a large part of my life and has claimed a large portion of my normal blog. Now my writing rants, worries, procratinations, joys and sorrows have an actualy home on the internet.

Susie isn't sure if we should spill details of the novel... we'll have to discuss that I guess. Personally, I don't see much of an issue in that if we don't, all our blogs will be as confusing to read as the one below this one. In any case I think you'll have to learn at least a little about the main characters, if we aren't to delve into plot.

I'm just ending a writing break that was caused by two weeks of work experiece among other things. I'm eager to get back into this week.

a few days ago

I wrote some lovely half a page about yesterday and I already need to revise it. Jesus Christ! I forgot to add this part that I ment to add that is like detrimental to making the part I wrote before it make sence. Blast! So I have to add the end to the last part and make revisions to the part I just wrote. My god this iscomplicated. Beht and I have been working on these two chapters which were oprigionally the end half of this like really great part. When writing it it was like Meh big deal. But now GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. We realise that it is almost a fifth of the plot! So we're ending up with about a thirty to forty page (maybe forty five) page two chapter section. This is difficult and we have been delling with it for way too long. Working on one character when one has been deeling in the limited omniciant zone is a bit of a pickle. But I'm handling. Sent bethie the invite to be a partner in blogging. YAY!

To begin

I've dicided to post about my writing. It'll be nice to jot everything down about everything. I'm writing a novel about... Well I can consider whether I will share that with you all later. We'll see if I keep this one up. I've already got another going. Two may be too much. Hey look the proper use of to, too, and two! I'm one of few who can do that!

Hope this works

This will be the second one I set up today.