I everything I do
There is much to be done, and it is certain that it will not end or even begin happily. While bethie edits I am trapped in torrid events of proportions that are beyond me. Laleen she be run through the wringer and Taryne shall reign terror in her pursuites to gain steady access to the world beyond and to reap havoc on their way of life as she tries to assume the position of empress over many realms. Taryne's becoming a Roman.
We will have a desolate Fraser, Baling and Nenan. The mind of a child a loyalist and a lover. WE will have ample child abuse and sexual ravishment. We will have trama induced amnesia. Oh boy are we going to be having some fun.
Oh oh oh, I asked my doctor about the nipple thing. Poor Laleena. He even wrote me notes... it seems that he has run into such an issue in his practise, a woman who was a patient of his had that very thing happen. Her nipple torn off by her boyfriend in a fit of passion. Dear - Lord... owie. But now I know exactly what happens, and that my doctor is more then happy to give me consults whenever I want them all I have to do is book an appointment and show up. YAY!
I won't go into what happens here, but I feel properly informed on the subject now and am thus happy.